Monday, December 22, 2008
Solstice Pics...
For some reason I can't find the album to put on as a slide show, so you'll just have to click here to see those pictures.
Happy Solstice!
Last night our little family celebrated the Solstice by going out to eat at Victoria's and opening presents. We all got some nice things. You can check out the some of the pictures we took in the new slideshow to the left, titled "Winter 2008-09". I really liked the family photo we took. It only took three shots to get this one- it's just too funny and cute! 
Hope you all had a warm Solstice!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
38 Week Check-up
Yesterday I had my 38 week appointment with Jill. My belly measured 38 cm, a big jump from last week(it was 36 cm)! I also gained 3 pounds. Jill said the baby's head is engaged, which means it's down in the pelvis, so that's good.
So far I haven't had any signs that I'll be going into labor, just some Braxton Hicks contractions(they're practice contractions that happen all throughout pregnancy). JIll thinks that I'll be later than my due date like I was with Flora. I hope she's wrong or at least not as late as Flora.
Baby is still moving, but less than before. I'm sure it's getting a little tight in there for moving.
So far I haven't had any signs that I'll be going into labor, just some Braxton Hicks contractions(they're practice contractions that happen all throughout pregnancy). JIll thinks that I'll be later than my due date like I was with Flora. I hope she's wrong or at least not as late as Flora.
Baby is still moving, but less than before. I'm sure it's getting a little tight in there for moving.
We can't believe that my due date is 9 days away and that we will soon have a baby and another member in our family.
In other news... Flora is 1 and 3/4 of a year old (21 mos) today! She continues to amaze and amuse us everyday. She has a huge vocabulary for her age and can repeat almost every word you say and if she can't, she'll still try! She continues to read to herself on occasion and LOVES to color and take care of her babies. Flora is very sweet and loving, she gives us all hugs and kisses, including the cats and dog.
Her 14th tooth, the upper left eye tooth, is through.
She's just an all-around good girl! I think we're spoiled. Chances are that with this next one, we won't be so lucky, but we'll keep our fingers crossed! ;)
In other news... Flora is 1 and 3/4 of a year old (21 mos) today! She continues to amaze and amuse us everyday. She has a huge vocabulary for her age and can repeat almost every word you say and if she can't, she'll still try! She continues to read to herself on occasion and LOVES to color and take care of her babies. Flora is very sweet and loving, she gives us all hugs and kisses, including the cats and dog.
Her 14th tooth, the upper left eye tooth, is through.
She's just an all-around good girl! I think we're spoiled. Chances are that with this next one, we won't be so lucky, but we'll keep our fingers crossed! ;)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Week 37 Check-up
Today I had a home visit from Andi, the other midwife that works with Jill. My belly measurement was still 36 cm . Andi said that could be because baby may be sitting lower in the pelvis, but she felt he/she was a good size for how far along I was.
Baby's heart rate was 125-135 beats per minute, which is good. My blood pressure was 115/75.
Baby was on the right side and anterior(with his/her back to my belly) today. At the last appointment, baby was slightly posterior(with his/her back to my back) and on the left side. The two or three times before that it was on the left and anterior(which is the best position for birth). Baby must think it can do what ever it wants in there! Andi said it felt like there was a good amount of fluid in there, too.
The x-mas presents are almost all bought, wrapped, and under the tree(2 weeks until X-mas Eve!), the birth kit is ready, the pool is all blown up, and I'm pretty excited to go into labor. So, I guess that means we're ready for a baby appearance any time now!
Andi said any time I'm ready. I wish it was that easy! It has nothing to do when I'm ready, that's up to baby. We all hope he or she is ready soon!!! I'm kind of hoping for next week or weekend sometime. This weekend is going to be too busy.
I've only been having Braxton-Hicks contractions, at least I'm pretty sure that's what they are. Sometimes I feel some "twinges" down low, so I'm looking at this as a positive sign that baby is on it's way or that my body is getting ready.
Hope you all enjoyed your snow day yesterday!
Baby's heart rate was 125-135 beats per minute, which is good. My blood pressure was 115/75.
Baby was on the right side and anterior(with his/her back to my belly) today. At the last appointment, baby was slightly posterior(with his/her back to my back) and on the left side. The two or three times before that it was on the left and anterior(which is the best position for birth). Baby must think it can do what ever it wants in there! Andi said it felt like there was a good amount of fluid in there, too.
The x-mas presents are almost all bought, wrapped, and under the tree(2 weeks until X-mas Eve!), the birth kit is ready, the pool is all blown up, and I'm pretty excited to go into labor. So, I guess that means we're ready for a baby appearance any time now!
Andi said any time I'm ready. I wish it was that easy! It has nothing to do when I'm ready, that's up to baby. We all hope he or she is ready soon!!! I'm kind of hoping for next week or weekend sometime. This weekend is going to be too busy.
I've only been having Braxton-Hicks contractions, at least I'm pretty sure that's what they are. Sometimes I feel some "twinges" down low, so I'm looking at this as a positive sign that baby is on it's way or that my body is getting ready.
Hope you all enjoyed your snow day yesterday!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Yesterday I had my 36 weeks appointment with Jill. It was pretty short. My belly measured 36 cm and I gained 2 more pounds. Must have been the double Thanksgiving meals! :)
Overall, I have been feeling good. I'm starting to get uncomfortable , though. It's mostly all the pressure of baby's butt on my ribs that bothers me the most. That and feeling filled to max capacity. I can handle it though. We have about a month to go!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Snow Fun!
This morning most of us woke up to a beautiful downy blanket of snow. Of course Flora and I took advantage of this and played a little in the first decent snow of the season.
Flora explored the snow while I shoveled the sidewalk and threw it at Mocha(she actually loves that!).
When my work was done, Flora went for a little ride in her sled that she got last year for x-mas. I guess we better put a new sled on her wish list because she seems to have out grown the one from last year. At least the baby will be able to use it this winter.
After a few laps around the yard, Flora played in her "playground". She went down the slide once and then decided to clean the snow off the picnic table and the turtle sandbox. Then it was time to go in and warm up.
Hope you all enjoyed the snow as much as we did!! Have a great day!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
35 weeks...
Hi again, I just was looking at my first "Belly Book" and noticed that I was pretty much wearing the same outfit at 35 weeks as I am today, at 35 weeks. So I thought that you all would like to see so you can compare, too. You'll have to let me know what you think! I put a poll on the right side of the screen.
The picture on the top is my current pregnancy and the bottom one is with Flora.
Flora has a pretty good cold going right now. It started yesterday. She must have gotten it from Tom, because he has one, too. She is being a trooper with all the nose wiping, though.
To top that off she got a pretty good diaper rash from eating an orange yesterday, which puts my traditional cold remedy of drinking a whole carton of OJ out of commission.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
34 weeks update
Today I had my 34 weeks appointment with Jill. Only 6 more weeks to go(or 38 days if you look on the counter below)! My belly measured 34 cm(right where it should be) and I gained 1 pound. So I guess baby's little growth spurt was just that, thankfully. But I guess you never know, things could still change!
My blood pressure was good and so was baby's heart beat. Nothing too exciting.
The next appointment will be on Dec. 1st for 36 week check-up. After that we will be seeing Jill(or Andi, the other midwife) every week. I probably won't post an update every week, unless there is something interesting to hear about.
Flora's cut is getting better, but still looks the same. It probably will stay that way until the glue comes off. She is very good about not touching it, though.
Sally has joined the bowling team at her school. She went bowling a couple of weeks ago and got a 77 and an 80. Not too bad for a first time! Tonight they have a meet(I think) and she will have practice every Thursday.
We are almost done x-mas shopping. I wanted to get it done before the rush started and before I got too pregnant.
If you need any ideas for Flora, she wears a size 24 months, but doesn't need much for clothes. Things that she might like are a child-sized rocking chair for her room(since we will probably be putting the big one in our room to use for the baby), trucks or buses(they don't have to make noise). That's about all I can think of. Of course there are more ideas on her wish list.
As for baby... Baby doesn't need much, there will be plenty of time to buy gifts for baby after it is born and the gender is revealed. If it's a boy, I'm sure we'll need some boy clothes, although, we do have enough of Flora's non-gender specific basics(sleepers, gowns, hats, socks, onesies, etc.) for the first couple months. If you are really looking for something to buy the new one, you can check out the baby's wish list as well.
Have fun shopping for all you x-mas gifts!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Flora took her first major digger yesterday. She was sitting on the chair in the living room and slid off of it and pitched forward into the coffee table. She hit it with her forehead, causing a cut above her eye brow.
So we ended up going to the doctor. He glued it shut since I really didn't want her to have to go through stitches. She did really well with the procedure until the doc and nurse had to peel away the gauze that was protecting her eye from getting glue in it because it had gotten stuck. Ouch! She was so brave, though. :) She has also been really good about not touching it, too.
Here she is with the Sponge Bob band-aid the dr. gave her(there are more pictures of the real wound on the web album Fall 2008 if you really want to see it).
On a more pleasant note... Flora's first eye tooth(13th tooth) finally popped through on the bottom right side. I'm sure the other's will be pooping up within the next couple months.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Week 32 Update...
Yesterday I had an appointment with Jill, our midwife. It was a standard appointment. Baby's heart rate was in the 140's which is good and my belly measured 34 cm. So baby must have had a growth spurt. Jill said don't be surprised if at my 34 weeks appointment my belly measurement stays the same. I'm hoping that this baby doesn't just keep on getting bigger and bigger(beyond average growth, I mean). I'm already afraid that it will be bigger than Flora! Which does happen with second babies, but usually less than a half a pound.
I , on the other hand, lost 1 pound. Probably because the baby took it for the big growth spurt it had. :)
We also talked about what I wanted for my birth. All I want is a water birth. Hopefully that can happen this time.
I have appointments every 2 weeks now and will start having them every week after 36 weeks.
Tomorrow I will be 33 weeks. I can't believe we're going to have a baby next month! Well, it better be next month!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween everyone! To celebrate Halloween, we went Trick-or-Treating in Two Rivers and Manitowoc, where my family lives.
Flora was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Tom was a "Hippy" on Halloween and his dad for Val's party, Sally was a bag of jelly beans, and I was Mother Earth(there are more pictures on Flora's web album and the Fall 2008 slide show).
We all received some very tasty treats! Thanks Mom, Denny, Dad, and Robyn!
Flora even got some(actually a lot, she helped herself!) of Play-Doh from Auntie Robyn. Here she is playing with it, practicing making cut-out cookies. She only tasted it once. We told her it wasn't for eating and she didn't try it again.

As for me, I'm doing pretty well, I just have a little less energy than usual. Getting bigger as you may have noticed from the belly slide show. I had a midwife appointment a week and a half ago and I have another on the 4th(I go every two weeks now). Baby's heartbeat was good and my belly measured 30 cm, which is right on for 30 weeks(the number of weeks should match the belly measurement in centimeters). Nothing too major, just a standard appointment. I'll keep you updated when I have my appointments. Only 8 more weeks to go! Well, until my due date. We are hoping to wait until after Christmas to have this baby, but I guess you never know!
Here's my public service announcement: Please remember to VOTE on Tuesday, November 4th. You, by law, are allowed 3 hours in a row, off of work to vote(granted your employer can decide when those three hours are). And remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pumpkin Carving!
Today we carved pumpkins! It was Sally and Flora's first times(I don't think we carved pumpkins last year).

I carved Flora's first, then she "carved" it with a butter knife while the rest of us concentrated on our pumpkins.
You can see close-ups of all the pumpkins is the "Fall 2008" album.
We also went to Val's annual Halloween Party on Saturday, also Flora and Sally's first. But I'm not putting any pictures of us in our costumes until after Halloween, because some of you will be seeing us on Halloween and that would spoil the fun!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Some of you may have noticed some changes to the blog. If not, here's what's been added/changed:
-A "Fall 2008" slideshow has replace the "Summer 2008" slideshow.
-A "Followers" section that you can sign up for so we can all see who is following the blog.
-A "Wish List" section that contains links to all of our wish lists on Amazon, in case you need any X-mas ideas.
-A ticker at the bottom to countdown the days until baby's due date arrives.
That's all for now. Happy reading!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Baby Week...
Last week was "Baby Week" for us! It all started when Flora and I started baby sitting our friend, Jill's, son, Finn on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

Then on Wednesday our friends, Jenny and Chad, had a little baby boy. They named him Ike David(they had the name picked out well before the hurricane came along). So we went to visit them on Thursday.
On Friday Tom took the day off so we could all go visit our friend, Liz, and her three-week old little girl, Mackenzie Jane.
Saleema went to visit a mosque here in Appleton on Saturday evening. While she was there, she met one of many Pakistani families who invited us to their home on Sunday evening for dinner.
Since they live in Manitowoc, we decided to go visit some of our family. First we went to see Uncle David and Cousin J.J. I made him a little pumpkin hat on our drive there and put some straps on it while J.J. and Flora played. Next we had a nice, but short visit with Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Denny before we had to take off for Manitowoc to be on time for dinner.

Our dinner was quite good and the company was very interesting. We learned a lot about the different customs of the Islamic religion. There were several other Pakistani families there, along with some more babies for Flora to check out.
That was the end of "Baby Week"! So many babies, good thing one of them wasn't our new little one. We can wait until after Christmas for him or her!
Flora had her 18 month check up. She weighs 23 pounds(30th percentile) and is 33 1/2 inches tall(93rd percentile). The doctor gave her the once over and had no qualms, but did say inside her ears looked perfect! She also told me to expect the "Terrible Two's" to start before she's two. I told her they already were starting... :)
Have a great week! We'll be checking out Oktoberfest here in Appleton on Saturday.
Friday, September 12, 2008
An Address of Her Own...
I now have my own e-mail address!
It is . Mama had to start one for me because you need an e-mail address to start a Picasa photo albums page. She and Papa ran out of space on theirs, so now I have one, too! I even have my own screen name for posting on the blog. I bet you can guess what it is...(it's at the bottom)!
Of course Mama and Papa will be managing them, but feel free to e-mail me! I would love to read them(when I can read) and it would be a nice keepsake for me in the future.
Mama also added a Baby Belly #2 slideshow on the right hand side(under the summer slideshow), so you all can see how she & baby have grown and are growing.
When the next baby comes along, I will be sharing this blog spot. It will become more of a family blog versus a Flora blog. In case you were wondering! :-)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
An Update...
Sorry it's been soooo long. We've been busy with weddings, picnics, and getting Sally(Saleema) off to school. But there is an end in sight! This coming weekend Flora, Sally, and I will be heading off to Bridgeport Resort in Sturgeon Bay to spend some time with my sister, Robyn. A girls weekend! Whoo-Hoo!!! After that our weekends are free! It will be nice to get to spend some time with other friends and family that we haven't been so involved with during the course of our summer. And to take some time for ourselves and for neglected things around the house.
Anyway, back to Flora. She is a growing girl. She is becoming very independent and throwing fits here and there. Especially when it comes to going in her car seat or in the cart at the store. She just wants it her way!
She has been enjoying reading a lot lately. She will bring us several books, one right after another, to read to her. 
Flora got her 12th tooth! It came about a week ago, almost 7 months after the one that matches it. I was able to get a pretty decent picture of it today(it's the 4th one on the bottom, on the left).
That's about all. Flora has her 18 month appointment on the 22nd and I will update you with her height and weight and all that good stuff.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Busy, busy, busy!
We have been very busy this weekend. Tom cousin, Brenda, and our friend, Troy got married this weekend. 
I was a bridesmaid, Tom was an usher, and Flora was a mini bridesmaid. I made her a replica of my dress out of the wrap I got with it.

I was a bridesmaid, Tom was an usher, and Flora was a mini bridesmaid. I made her a replica of my dress out of the wrap I got with it.
The day was beautiful for an outdoor ceremony. There was even doves that were released. After that, in true Denmark style, we rode on a hay wagon to the reception at Eddy Whipps.
All this wedding stuff has been a learning experience for our foreign exchange student, Saleema. Especially when the bride and groom requested that people gulp down the goldfish(Tom is eating one below) that were the centerpieces on the table to have them kiss! We told Saleema that people don't usually do this at weddings.
Flora impressed everyone with her adorable dance moves. All in all we had a great time.
Click here to view all of wedding pics.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Flora and I have been taking a Parent and Child swim class. It's going okay, but think that the teacher could be more informative and creative. She's only 19 or something, so what does she know? Flora likes to be there, but starts to shiver after about 10 minutes(the class is 30 mins). At least she gets to be in the water. Today she even kicked a couple of times, so I guess she's learning something. Sorry I don't have any pictures. I'm in the water with her and am not able to take pictures. 
I was trying on crazy shades and she grabbed this pair to put on. The funny thing was that "Rocket Man" by Elton John was playing on the store's radio. I thought it was fitting!
But here is a super cute picture I took today at the party store.

I was trying on crazy shades and she grabbed this pair to put on. The funny thing was that "Rocket Man" by Elton John was playing on the store's radio. I thought it was fitting!
Tom and I counted the other night and we realized that Flora says about 50 words! I read at her age kids have about 10 words in their vocabulary and 100 by the time they are 2. I guess Flora is well on her way! She says a new word or two every day. Today she said "car" and "rock".
In case any of you out there on the World Wide Web don't already know, Flora is going to be a big sister! I am 18 weeks today and due on December 26th. We are hoping for a boy so we have one of each, but another little girl would be just as lovely. Although, you will have to wait until the baby arrives to find out the gender!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
16 Months Today!
Today Flora turns 16 months! She is getting so big and growing up so fast. I measured her yesterday and she is 32 3/4 inches. She weighs about 22-23 pounds. Still tall and thin.

Here she is wearing a Curious George shirt I made from one of Tom's old t-shirts. She wanted to wear those boots!
Last week we went camping with my family. We had a nice time despite the fact that Flora was cutting 3 of her first molars and developed a 102 temp on Wednesday. She was feeling all around yucky that day and was also quite lethargic. She probably had a sore throat, too. When we got home on Friday, we noticed what we at first thought were bug bites on her feet or some kind of irritation from her shoes. On Sunday I finally put two-and-two together and realized she had had hand, foot, and mouth. I looked it up and her symptoms followed the pattern of the illness. It is a viral illness that is only treated with a pain reliever(like Tylenol) for the sore throat and the fever. Adults and children over age 10 can get it but often don't show symptoms and can be carriers with out even knowing it. So we don't know where Flora got it from.
She's all better now and back to her old self! We did get to enjoy the beach and see and play with a lot of our cousins, aunts, and uncles, which was nice.

Flora has been "sleeping-in" lately. She used to wake up at 6 or 6:30, no matter what time she went to bed. Now she sleeps about 11-12 hours from when she went to bed. This is very nice for us! I still get up at 6 or 7, but then I get some time to myself in the morning to do what ever(write a blog entry).
One more thing... Flora's is continuing to build her vocabulary. She often tries to repeat what we say. Her latest words are "up", "cook-cook"(cookie), and "cockie"(cracker). Something that is a little more impressive is that she started saying two-word phases. She has said, "bye kitty", "bye baby", and "Rainy food".
Here she is wearing a Curious George shirt I made from one of Tom's old t-shirts. She wanted to wear those boots!
Last week we went camping with my family. We had a nice time despite the fact that Flora was cutting 3 of her first molars and developed a 102 temp on Wednesday. She was feeling all around yucky that day and was also quite lethargic. She probably had a sore throat, too. When we got home on Friday, we noticed what we at first thought were bug bites on her feet or some kind of irritation from her shoes. On Sunday I finally put two-and-two together and realized she had had hand, foot, and mouth. I looked it up and her symptoms followed the pattern of the illness. It is a viral illness that is only treated with a pain reliever(like Tylenol) for the sore throat and the fever. Adults and children over age 10 can get it but often don't show symptoms and can be carriers with out even knowing it. So we don't know where Flora got it from.
She's all better now and back to her old self! We did get to enjoy the beach and see and play with a lot of our cousins, aunts, and uncles, which was nice.
"Darn floppy hat, I can't see!"
This week I got her a baby doll stroller and she has been either having a blast with it, running into/chasing the dogs, or getting angry at it because she gets it stuck on chairs and other things. The best 45 cents I've spent this week!
She is also becoming more independent with her walking. She has sometimes been refusing to sit in the shopping cart. So that makes for an especially "fun" trip to the store. We went to Hobby Lobby on Tuesday and she had to walk in the store and she wanted to touch all the fake grapes(that looked very real) which seemed to be on every single display! We made it out okay and in a lot faster time than if we had used a cart.Flora has been "sleeping-in" lately. She used to wake up at 6 or 6:30, no matter what time she went to bed. Now she sleeps about 11-12 hours from when she went to bed. This is very nice for us! I still get up at 6 or 7, but then I get some time to myself in the morning to do what ever(write a blog entry).
One more thing... Flora's is continuing to build her vocabulary. She often tries to repeat what we say. Her latest words are "up", "cook-cook"(cookie), and "cockie"(cracker). Something that is a little more impressive is that she started saying two-word phases. She has said, "bye kitty", "bye baby", and "Rainy food".
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Flora's First Visit to the Wildlife Sanctuary
Today Flora, Val, Fischer, and I went to the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary. It was Flora's and Fischer's first times there. Flora enjoyed looking at the animals and just had to walk around by herself.

We even got to feed the geese and ducks corn. Flora didn't seems to mind them being all around her, as you can tell from the video.
We even got to feed the geese and ducks corn. Flora didn't seems to mind them being all around her, as you can tell from the video.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Beating the Heat
Yesterday Mama was hot and crabby. So Flora and I decided to check out our local pool at Erb Park.
At first she was a little cautious. Then once she saw all the other kids, she decided it was fun. She walked around for a while.

Then she played with some other little girls and they shared their toys with her. By that time she was crawling around and gulping water. A couple of times she dunked herself when she fell from standing onto her butt and tipped backwards. I rescued her, of course, and she just shook it off and went back to playing.
When it was time to go, she cried. I guess she was having too much fun(she was also tired and in need of a nap)!
At first she was a little cautious. Then once she saw all the other kids, she decided it was fun. She walked around for a while.
Then she played with some other little girls and they shared their toys with her. By that time she was crawling around and gulping water. A couple of times she dunked herself when she fell from standing onto her butt and tipped backwards. I rescued her, of course, and she just shook it off and went back to playing.
When it was time to go, she cried. I guess she was having too much fun(she was also tired and in need of a nap)!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Current "News"
The most interesting thing that happened this week is that we got our house painted. Good-bye blah tan- Hello yellow!
We like it, but think it will take some getting used to. It sure is bright and cheery, and that's what we wanted.

In other news, Flora's seventh tooth came in on Wednesday. It's the left one, on top, to accompany the last on she got. She has been a little whinier and clingier than normal, but not too bad. Sorry I wasn't able to get a pic. You'll just have to wait to see it in her smile!
Not news, but fun. Today Flora explored her sprinkler for the first time. She only liked to splash and touch the water. She's kind of little to understand the whole running through thing.

That's all for now. We have a jam-packed fun-filled weekend ahead of us. Tonight we're going to my friend Amy's for a BBQ. Tomorrow we are going to Val and Joe's for a "Welcome Fischer/ Summer Solstice Potluck". Finally on Sunday Flora is going to Grandpa Joe and Jeanne's while Tom and I go to the Brewer game. Whew! It's be lots of fun!
We like it, but think it will take some getting used to. It sure is bright and cheery, and that's what we wanted.
In other news, Flora's seventh tooth came in on Wednesday. It's the left one, on top, to accompany the last on she got. She has been a little whinier and clingier than normal, but not too bad. Sorry I wasn't able to get a pic. You'll just have to wait to see it in her smile!
Not news, but fun. Today Flora explored her sprinkler for the first time. She only liked to splash and touch the water. She's kind of little to understand the whole running through thing.
That's all for now. We have a jam-packed fun-filled weekend ahead of us. Tonight we're going to my friend Amy's for a BBQ. Tomorrow we are going to Val and Joe's for a "Welcome Fischer/ Summer Solstice Potluck". Finally on Sunday Flora is going to Grandpa Joe and Jeanne's while Tom and I go to the Brewer game. Whew! It's be lots of fun!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A Friend to Play With...
Today we watched my cousin Darrin and Rachel's son, Everett. We played a little and ate a little. Then Val came over with Fischer and all five of us walked downtown for lunch and coffee.

Here are Flora and Everett playing (there are two more pics of them in the "Spring 2008" album). They played very nicely together. She kept handing him a toys to chew on. At least she is sharing!

The kids are both sleeping now. So I get to take a break, too. Having two kids is more than I'm used to, but I can handle it! :)
Here are Flora and Everett playing (there are two more pics of them in the "Spring 2008" album). They played very nicely together. She kept handing him a toys to chew on. At least she is sharing!
The kids are both sleeping now. So I get to take a break, too. Having two kids is more than I'm used to, but I can handle it! :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
More walking...
Flora is continuing to walk and has been getting a bit braver. We went to the park today and she was able to walk on the wood chips. Here is better video of her walking:
We can't believe how fast she is changing into a "big girl"!

Here she is eating my apple, because she just had to have it! :)

I think it's funny that the apple is half as big as her face!
We can't believe how fast she is changing into a "big girl"!
Here she is eating my apple, because she just had to have it! :)
I think it's funny that the apple is half as big as her face!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Exciting News!!
Boy, we have had an exciting last two days! Yesterday Flora officially became a toddler. She started to walk all on her own around the kitchen. Then in the living room and form me to Tom. But she was silly tired and started to get clumsy and goofy. Flora has use her new skills a couple times today, there's no turning back now!!!
Now the other exciting news! Val, one of my best friends, had a baby boy this morning at 8 a.m. His name is Fischer and he weighs 8 lbs, 1 oz. and is 20 inches long. Mom and baby are both healthy, and doing well. He was born naturally without any drugs of any kind. Val did an awesome job.

Flora and I were there for the momentous occasion. Flora was a very good sport. She got a little upset (she didn't cry, though)at the very end, but was easily comforted once she saw the baby. If anyone wants to see more pictures of the new family, e-mail me and I'll mail you the link.
Now the other exciting news! Val, one of my best friends, had a baby boy this morning at 8 a.m. His name is Fischer and he weighs 8 lbs, 1 oz. and is 20 inches long. Mom and baby are both healthy, and doing well. He was born naturally without any drugs of any kind. Val did an awesome job.
Flora and I were there for the momentous occasion. Flora was a very good sport. She got a little upset (she didn't cry, though)at the very end, but was easily comforted once she saw the baby. If anyone wants to see more pictures of the new family, e-mail me and I'll mail you the link.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
What's New...
We haven't had much to right about lately, but we do now!
We went up north to the Pink Castle this weekend. Flora was a happy little camper. She loves being outside and, lucky for her, she has inherited Tom's non-itchy mosquito bites, so they didn't really bother her.
Flora's 6th tooth finally popped through earlier this week. We could see her gums bulging there for quite some time now, but it finally broke through! It doesn't bother her much. Can you see the little corner of it?

Flora has also taken a liking to coloring. She started her coloring by "helping" me with the grocery list. She would use the pen to "cross off" the things we already got. So I bought her some big crayons and she just loves them. As you can tell.

As for Rainy, in case you were wondering, she is getting along well with Flora and the other "kids". Flora has started to call her by making a "tsk"-type sound(like I do) and calling, "Nainy!" It's pretty cute!

That's all for now!!
We went up north to the Pink Castle this weekend. Flora was a happy little camper. She loves being outside and, lucky for her, she has inherited Tom's non-itchy mosquito bites, so they didn't really bother her.
Flora's 6th tooth finally popped through earlier this week. We could see her gums bulging there for quite some time now, but it finally broke through! It doesn't bother her much. Can you see the little corner of it?
Flora has also taken a liking to coloring. She started her coloring by "helping" me with the grocery list. She would use the pen to "cross off" the things we already got. So I bought her some big crayons and she just loves them. As you can tell.
As for Rainy, in case you were wondering, she is getting along well with Flora and the other "kids". Flora has started to call her by making a "tsk"-type sound(like I do) and calling, "Nainy!" It's pretty cute!
That's all for now!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all those moms and moms-to-be out there! It's great being a mom and watching out little sweetheart grow!
Flora and Tom brought me breakfast in bed with eggs, toast, and fried taters. Flora decided to help herself to my catsup and grabbed a handful. They also got me a new wind chime for the front porch.
We also got something else today... a KITTEN!!! We named her Rainy because she looks like a little fluffy rain cloud. She is about 2 months old. The dogs are very curious and she just hisses at them. Zoey is a little interested in her, but Q.P. wants nothing to do with her. They both have just been hissing at her. They'll all be settled in in a couple weeks.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Happy May Day!
I know, I know, May Day was 5 days ago. We were too busy to post that day, because we went to a May Day celebration! It took place in Oshkosh in Menominee Park. It was mine and Flora's first May Pole Dance. And it only rained a little. :)

Flora and I went to visit my friend, Liz, in La Crosse on Friday until Saturday. We went out for lunch and then went for a hike in Perrot State Park. Liz made us a delicious supper and breakfast. Then we were off to go back home. 
Today we ate lunch outside and took a long walk, enjoying the gorgeous weather! We even had the cats outside, on a leash and harness, of course.
Have a great day!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Getting so big!
Hi everyone, sorry it's been so long. I have been busy planning a baby shower for my friend, Val, so I haven't had much time to sit down and write an extensive entry about Flora.
So here it is...
At her 1 year check-up, Flora weighed 20 pounds 8 ounces(44th percentile) and was 31 inches(95th percentile). The doc also said she looked great and we won't have to go for another check-up until 18 months.
Flora is discovering so much. She figured out that she can open the drawers in the TV amoire and the bottom kitchen drawer all by herself and explore their contents.

She is also broadening her vocabulary. She has been saying "baby" "da-di"(Guthrie or Daddy, if you ask Tom) and "na-night". She says the latter when she crawls up the stairs to go to bed and when she lays down in bed.
Flora has also been developing her dressing skills. She tries so hard to put on her socks, shoes, pants, shirts, and hats. She will get angry and cry if she has her mind set to do it and we do it for her. She will even go as far as taking her shoe off!
So here it is...
At her 1 year check-up, Flora weighed 20 pounds 8 ounces(44th percentile) and was 31 inches(95th percentile). The doc also said she looked great and we won't have to go for another check-up until 18 months.
Flora is discovering so much. She figured out that she can open the drawers in the TV amoire and the bottom kitchen drawer all by herself and explore their contents.

She is also broadening her vocabulary. She has been saying "baby" "da-di"(Guthrie or Daddy, if you ask Tom) and "na-night". She says the latter when she crawls up the stairs to go to bed and when she lays down in bed.
Flora has also been developing her dressing skills. She tries so hard to put on her socks, shoes, pants, shirts, and hats. She will get angry and cry if she has her mind set to do it and we do it for her. She will even go as far as taking her shoe off!
We have been getting out side when it's nice(also another reason I haven't posted in awhile) and going for walks when ever we can. Yesterday shoe got to play on her slide and seems to like it.

Flora has started to stand on her own and has also taken a couple steps! She still prefers crawling as it is faster for her, for now. We are pretty excited about her walking, but know that means a lot more climbing and chasing!

We have been going to a pop-in play group at The Mom and Pop Place on Monday afternoons. It's pretty nice to let her loose to play and I can have a cup of coffee, without worrying about her disturbing anyone or anything. She also gets a chance to make some new friends(and Mama does, too).

Flora has started to stand on her own and has also taken a couple steps! She still prefers crawling as it is faster for her, for now. We are pretty excited about her walking, but know that means a lot more climbing and chasing!

We have been going to a pop-in play group at The Mom and Pop Place on Monday afternoons. It's pretty nice to let her loose to play and I can have a cup of coffee, without worrying about her disturbing anyone or anything. She also gets a chance to make some new friends(and Mama does, too).
I will be putting more videos on my You Tube channel today. If you click on the thumbnails on the right under "Flora-vision" you can watch them.
I have also put a new album on the right called "Spring 2008". I have to start using my Picassa albums, because Tom's ran out of free space.
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