Friday, June 20, 2008

Current "News"

The most interesting thing that happened this week is that we got our house painted. Good-bye blah tan- Hello yellow!
We like it, but think it will take some getting used to. It sure is bright and cheery, and that's what we wanted.

In other news, Flora's seventh tooth came in on Wednesday. It's the left one, on top, to accompany the last on she got. She has been a little whinier and clingier than normal, but not too bad. Sorry I wasn't able to get a pic. You'll just have to wait to see it in her smile!

Not news, but fun. Today Flora explored her sprinkler for the first time. She only liked to splash and touch the water. She's kind of little to understand the whole running through thing.

That's all for now. We have a jam-packed fun-filled weekend ahead of us. Tonight we're going to my friend Amy's for a BBQ. Tomorrow we are going to Val and Joe's for a "Welcome Fischer/ Summer Solstice Potluck". Finally on Sunday Flora is going to Grandpa Joe and Jeanne's while Tom and I go to the Brewer game. Whew! It's be lots of fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Solice Kristy,
Sounds good. We just bought tickets for the 31st of July. Denny has never been to a Brewer's game.
Have fun,
love GS