Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Exciting News!!

Boy, we have had an exciting last two days! Yesterday Flora officially became a toddler. She started to walk all on her own around the kitchen. Then in the living room and form me to Tom. But she was silly tired and started to get clumsy and goofy. Flora has use her new skills a couple times today, there's no turning back now!!!
Now the other exciting news! Val, one of my best friends, had a baby boy this morning at 8 a.m. His name is Fischer and he weighs 8 lbs, 1 oz. and is 20 inches long. Mom and baby are both healthy, and doing well. He was born naturally without any drugs of any kind. Val did an awesome job.

Flora and I were there for the momentous occasion. Flora was a very good sport. She got a little upset (she didn't cry, though)at the very end, but was easily comforted once she saw the baby. If anyone wants to see more pictures of the new family, e-mail me and I'll mail you the link.

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