Thursday, May 29, 2008

What's New...

We haven't had much to right about lately, but we do now!
We went up north to the Pink Castle this weekend. Flora was a happy little camper. She loves being outside and, lucky for her, she has inherited Tom's non-itchy mosquito bites, so they didn't really bother her.
Flora's 6th tooth finally popped through earlier this week. We could see her gums bulging there for quite some time now, but it finally broke through! It doesn't bother her much. Can you see the little corner of it?

Flora has also taken a liking to coloring. She started her coloring by "helping" me with the grocery list. She would use the pen to "cross off" the things we already got. So I bought her some big crayons and she just loves them. As you can tell.

As for Rainy, in case you were wondering, she is getting along well with Flora and the other "kids". Flora has started to call her by making a "tsk"-type sound(like I do) and calling, "Nainy!" It's pretty cute!

That's all for now!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Are you sure she's the right age. She is really taking off and is walking, talking and even coloring. Such a Flora, I adorah.
love, GS