Tuesday, November 18, 2008

34 weeks update

Today I had my 34 weeks appointment with Jill.  Only 6 more weeks to go(or 38 days if you look on the counter below)!  My belly measured 34 cm(right where it should be) and I gained 1 pound.  So I guess baby's little growth spurt was just that, thankfully.  But I guess you never know, things could still change!
My blood pressure was good and so was baby's heart beat.  Nothing too exciting.  
The next appointment will be on Dec. 1st for 36 week check-up.  After that we will be seeing Jill(or Andi, the other midwife) every week.  I probably won't post an update every week, unless there is something interesting to hear about.
Flora's cut is getting better, but still looks the same.  It probably will stay that way until the glue comes off.  She is very good about not touching it, though.  
Sally has joined the bowling team at her school.  She went bowling a couple of weeks ago and got a 77 and an 80.  Not too bad for a first time!  Tonight they have a meet(I think) and she will have practice every Thursday.
We are almost done x-mas shopping.  I wanted to get it done before the rush started and before I got too pregnant.  
If you need any ideas for Flora, she wears a size 24 months, but doesn't need much for clothes.  Things that she might like are a child-sized rocking chair for her room(since we will probably be putting the big one in our room to use for the baby), trucks or buses(they don't have to make noise).  That's about all I can think of.  Of course there are more ideas on her wish list.  
As for baby... Baby doesn't need much, there will be plenty of time to buy gifts for baby after it is born and the gender is revealed.  If it's a boy, I'm sure we'll need some boy clothes, although, we do have enough of Flora's non-gender specific basics(sleepers, gowns, hats, socks, onesies, etc.) for the first couple months.  If you are really looking for something to buy the new one, you can check out the baby's wish list as well.
Have fun shopping for all you x-mas gifts!!!

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