Thursday, November 13, 2008


Flora took her first major digger yesterday.  She was sitting on the chair in the living room and slid off of it and pitched forward into the coffee table.  She hit it with her forehead, causing a cut above her eye brow.   
So we ended up going to the doctor.  He glued it shut since I really didn't want her to have to go through stitches.  She did really well with the procedure until the doc and nurse had to peel away the gauze that was protecting her eye from getting glue in it because it had gotten stuck.  Ouch!  She was so brave, though. :)  She has also been really good about not touching it, too.
Here she is with the Sponge Bob band-aid the dr. gave her(there are more pictures of the real wound on the web album Fall 2008 if you really want to see it).
On a more pleasant note... Flora's first eye tooth(13th tooth) finally popped through on the bottom right side.  I'm sure the other's will be pooping up within the next couple months.

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