Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!  To celebrate Halloween, we went Trick-or-Treating in Two Rivers and Manitowoc, where my family lives.  
Flora was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Tom was a "Hippy" on Halloween and his dad for Val's party, Sally was a bag of jelly beans, and I was Mother Earth(there are more pictures on Flora's web album and the Fall 2008 slide show).

We all received some very tasty treats! Thanks Mom, Denny, Dad, and Robyn!

Flora even got some(actually a lot, she helped herself!) of Play-Doh from Auntie Robyn. Here she is playing with it, practicing making cut-out cookies. She only tasted it once. We told her it wasn't for eating and she didn't try it again.

As for me, I'm doing pretty well, I just have a little less energy than usual. Getting bigger as you may have noticed from the belly slide show. I had a midwife appointment a week and a half ago and I have another on the 4th(I go every two weeks now). Baby's heartbeat was good and my belly measured 30 cm, which is right on for 30 weeks(the number of weeks should match the belly measurement in centimeters). Nothing too major, just a standard appointment. I'll keep you updated when I have my appointments. Only 8 more weeks to go! Well, until my due date. We are hoping to wait until after Christmas to have this baby, but I guess you never know!
Here's my public service announcement: Please remember to VOTE on Tuesday, November 4th. You, by law, are allowed 3 hours in a row, off of work to vote(granted your employer can decide when those three hours are). And remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain!

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