Thursday, November 20, 2008

35 weeks...

Hi again, I just was looking at my first "Belly Book" and noticed that I was pretty much wearing the same outfit at 35 weeks as I am today, at 35 weeks.  So I thought that you all would like to see so you can compare, too.  You'll have to let me know what you think!  I put a poll on the right side of the screen.
The picture on the top is my current pregnancy and the bottom one is with Flora.

Flora has a pretty good cold going right now.  It started yesterday.  She must have gotten it from Tom, because he has one, too.  She is being a trooper with all the nose wiping, though.  
To top that off she got a pretty good diaper rash from eating an orange yesterday, which puts my traditional cold remedy of drinking a whole carton of OJ out of commission.

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