Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Week 37 Check-up

Today I had a home visit from Andi, the other midwife that works with Jill. My belly measurement was still 36 cm . Andi said that could be because baby may be sitting lower in the pelvis, but she felt he/she was a good size for how far along I was.
Baby's heart rate was 125-135 beats per minute, which is good. My blood pressure was 115/75.
Baby was on the right side and anterior(with his/her back to my belly) today. At the last appointment, baby was slightly posterior(with his/her back to my back) and on the left side. The two or three times before that it was on the left and anterior(which is the best position for birth). Baby must think it can do what ever it wants in there! Andi said it felt like there was a good amount of fluid in there, too.
The x-mas presents are almost all bought, wrapped, and under the tree(2 weeks until X-mas Eve!), the birth kit is ready, the pool is all blown up, and I'm pretty excited to go into labor. So, I guess that means we're ready for a baby appearance any time now!
Andi said any time I'm ready. I wish it was that easy! It has nothing to do when I'm ready, that's up to baby. We all hope he or she is ready soon!!! I'm kind of hoping for next week or weekend sometime. This weekend is going to be too busy.
I've only been having Braxton-Hicks contractions, at least I'm pretty sure that's what they are. Sometimes I feel some "twinges" down low, so I'm looking at this as a positive sign that baby is on it's way or that my body is getting ready.
Hope you all enjoyed your snow day yesterday!

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