Thursday, July 24, 2008

Flora and I have been taking a Parent and Child swim class.  It's going okay, but think that the teacher could be more informative and creative.  She's only 19 or something, so what does she know?  Flora likes to be there, but starts to shiver after about 10 minutes(the class is 30 mins).  At least she gets to be in the water.  Today she even kicked a couple of times, so I guess she's learning something.  Sorry I don't have any pictures.  I'm in the water with her and am not able to take pictures.  
But here is a super cute picture I took today at the party store.

I was trying on crazy shades and she grabbed this pair to put on. The funny thing was that "Rocket Man" by Elton John was playing on the store's radio. I thought it was fitting!
Tom and I counted the other night and we realized that Flora says about 50 words!  I read at her age kids have about 10 words in their vocabulary and 100 by the time they are 2.  I guess Flora is well on her way!  She says a new word or two every day.  Today she said "car" and "rock".
In case any of you out there on the World Wide Web don't already know, Flora is going to be a big sister!  I am 18 weeks today and due on December 26th.  We are hoping for a boy so we have one of each, but another little girl would be just as lovely.  Although, you will have to wait until the baby arrives to find out the gender!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations mom, pop and Flora on your new life growing! Can't wait to see the little one.
And Flora seems to be above and beyond the statistics.
Love the glasses,
love you all, G.S.