Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Solstice!!!

Tonight our little family celebrated the Solstice by going out for dinner and then coming home and opening presents.

Leo opened his first gift, from Flora, she even picked it out.  It was a wooden drum.
Flora really had fun opening presents, but Leo was still a little unsure what to do and what all the excitement was about.  Oh, well, this can be a practice run for his birthday! :o)
Flora got Candy Land, Princess dominoes, utensils, and cup, a crayon maker and, her favorite, a 16" Dorothy doll.  She was so excited when she opened Dorothy, he jumped up and down!

Leo got a helicopter, a alphabet bus, a wooden drum, a shaker, and a train set.  They both got matching monkey PJ's and a fridge magnet that plays the letters of the alphabet.
Hope you all had a nice Solstice.  We look forward to seeing some of you soon!

Friday, December 11, 2009

As Promised...

Here's that picture of Leo's new tooth I promised.
(it's the one on the right)

I also made a December slideshow, put more pictures in the Autumn 2009 album, and moved it to the bottom of the albums section.
I know I said the kids didn't really need anything, but Flora has been really into wearing dresses lately.  She thinks she's Cinderella.  The thing is all the dresses she has are short-sleeved or sleeve-less.  So, if you should find yourself at a thrift store, maybe you could find her some long-sleeved dresses in a 3T?  She also wanted to wear overalls today because Leo was and we found out she has one pair that barely fit her.  She would wear a 3T in these, too.  Maybe some that Leo could wear later? :)
  We have a busy weekend ahead of us.  Tomorrow we're going to Manitowoc for the Lichterman Family Christmas Party and on Sunday we're going to DePere/Ledgeveiw area for The Brantmeier Family Dinner.  Next weekend we have nothing planned, except for sticking around home and getting ready for Solstice and x-mas, since we aren't even close to being done buying/making presents, much less wrapping them.  I guess we better get on that!  Now that Tom is home from Mexico, we can.
He had a nice time, by the way, aside from getting "Montezuma's Revenge", his flight home from Phoenix to Denver cancelled, having to fly into Chicago, then Milwaukee, driving a rental home from there, and getting home at 2 a.m.  Oh, yeah, and his luggage didn't make it out of Chicago and his coat was in it!  Brrrrrr!!!!!!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh Boy...

Had enough of the snow yet? I know I have! Tom is in Mexico, so I had to deal with snow removal. It took me two hours to snow blow everything!

(View of the back yard)
Flora had a bout with stomach flu(I guess?). She woke up last night with a yucky mess in her bed and then had dry heaves after that. Poor girl! :(

The last time she did that was 3 a.m. and has kept down a little applesauce, yogurt, crackers, and liquids. She is feeling a little better, but is still a bit feverish.
It's too bad that she got sick on such a snowy day, because she was looking forward to sledding. I guess all this snow isn't going any where any time soon! Maybe Tom will take her this weekend since he's missing out on all this snow.
Leo is feeling better, too. We figured out on Friday that he had an ear infection and got him into the doctor and got him some medicine.
I just realized, about a half hour ago, that he just popped his fourth tooth! He'll have his two front teeth for x-mas!!! ;-D
I'll try to get a picture of it soon...
Stay safe and warm!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Try This, Instead...

Here's a new link for the segment of Good Day WI that we were in:
The other one must have changed to today's current "green" topic.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

On TV, Again!

Good Day WI was at Mom and Pop(our favorite hang-out) one day.  We managed to make it on TV, again.  Click the link below to check it out!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lots of Birthdays!

This weekend we went to Two Rivers to celebrate my nephew, J.J.'s, second birthday and my niece, Hailey's, sixth birthday.  We got to see all of my family, all in one place.  That doesn't happen very often, so it was kind of a treat!  There are a few more pictures of the party in the "Autumn 2009" album.

Afterwards, we went to Green Bay to see Grandma Mae and Grandpa La La and go to our friend, Troy's, birthday party.   Here, Flora is helping Grandma make some tasty oatmeal cookies.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just Flora Pictures...

Flora's animals are all sitting in their "high chairs" and eating cakes while sitting at their "tables".

We got Flora a new car seat last night. Now she buckles up like a big person!

He He! I couldn't help myself. :)


Q.P. climbs in bed with Flora.

Leo's Taking a Stand!

Leo and I were sitting on the kitchen floor after lunch and he used my leg to stand up. Then he let go- on purpose! He stood for like 15-20 seconds before lowering himself to the floor. He did again two or three times after that. He's making his way, how exciting!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Third Tooth Picture

Here's a picture of Leo's third tooth.  Sorry about the booger-nose and my hand in the way.  He's quite a mover, so it's hard to get a good picture.  His new tooth is already changing the look of his face.  I can't wait to see how he looks with the next one!  I'm sure he won't be asking for his two front teeth for Christmas, he probably have them!  But you never know...
I guess I forgot to update you on the kids' sizes in case you needed to know.
Leo is wearing size 18 months for shirts, pants, and pajamas.  He wears a size 4 WIDE in shoes.  He was weighed at the Dr. last Friday(we went to get his ear's re-checked, and they're all clear!) and he weighs 24.2 pounds.  He doesn't need much for clothes, but I'd like him to have more onesies(size 24 months if they're Gerber, size 18 months if they're any other brand) and sweatshirts or sweaters for when it's really cold.
Flora weighs 30.2 pounds and is 38 inches(I weighed her while we waited for the Dr.).  She is wearing size 3T in pants and footie pajamas(because of her height), a 2T in tops and nightgowns, and a size 7 1/2 or 8 in shoes.   She doesn't need much either, just some crew neck undershirts(size 2T/3T)- the boys kind like Hanes or Fruit of the Loom.  I don't know why they don't make undershirts for girls, only camisoles.  Those aren't very warm...  Besides, then Leo can use them sooner or later.  Most likely sooner, the way he's growing!!! :)
If you're thinking of getting the kids a big item, I'm sure Flora would like a bigger slide(stand alone or  attached to a climber) would be nice, too.   Flora can sit on the one we have now and her feet can just about touch the ground, not much fun for her, but it's good for Leo.  One that folded, like this one, would be nice... Second-hand is cool with us!
That's about all I can think of, for now.  I'll let you know if I think of something else!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Oops, almost forgot!

Leo started waving on Thursday and clapping on Friday! Here's a video of him clapping. Sorry it's dark.

I also put two other videos on the blog. One of Flora watercolor painting and one of Tom and Flora jumping/dancing.

Third Tooth and Wish Lists

Leo's third tooth(upper right center) popped out yesterday!  We have been waiting and waiting for it.  It was so white and bulging, we thought it would come sooner.  His gums are bubbled out in five other spots on the top, so there are more on the way!  He is still his happy self!
I have updated Leo and Flora's wish lists.  Tom updated his a couple weeks ago.  My list has a couple new things on it, but I would like to receive Visa gift cards for Christmas to use when I go to Italy in June to attend my friend, Heather's, wedding.  I know gift cards aren't very personal, but I could use them towards my travels and those memories would be something I'd never forget!
All the wish list links are on the right-hand side.
I'm putting a new video up on here in a little bit.  You can check it out on "Enz-a-vision".  It is of our Up North neighbor, Oma Olga, singing a German song to Leo.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So Flora, Leo, and I are sitting here eating breakfast. Leo and I were looking at each other and he starts kicking his feet excitedly and exclaims, "Mama!". He has said it before, but not so directly at me. It was very cute!
He says "Papa", too, but it sounds more like "bu-ba".
Yesterday Flora got to play with our cousin Everett at Mom and Pop. We also got to meet his little sister, Morgan, for the first time. What a little peanut!
Today we're going to meet our friends, Kris, Opal, and Cleo at the coffee shop and then walk to the park to play! Enjoying the nice weather while it lasts!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Flora's haircut

Today Flora got her first professional haircut. We walked down to Heads of Time in the Between the Locks building. They have a "Tiny Tots Territory" there with toys, slides, and fun things for the kids to sit on while they get their hair cut.

Flora chose the red horse, then quickly changed her mind and wanted the blue one instead. During her haircut she wanted to switch again to the elephant(there was a car, too in case you were wondering!). But she was already in the midst of her cut, so she had to stay put.

She did really well. She sat pretty nicely and listened to the stylist. I was surprised that she didn't get "shy". The stylist put pigtails in her hair and Flora got to pick which bows to put on them. She also recieved a sucker at the end! Her hair turned out really cute! Even though it's hard to tell in this picture.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Silly Boy

Today when I went to get Leo out of his crib(he was supposed to be napping) to go to the library for story time, this is what I found...

He had pants on when I put him in there, mind you. Then each time I asked him, "what are you doing?", he'd return to the mirror and do this...

It was kind of convienent that he had his pants off because I had to change him diaper before going to the library.

Once we got there, Leo was mesmerized for the first 10 minutes or so. Flora had a good time, too. She said her favorite part was the catapillar( the librarian is wearing it on her arm in the picture above). She also had a lot of fun jumping, dancing and spinning!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun!

On Saturday I took Flora trick-or-treating in our neighborhood for the first time.  Leo was asleep or he would have come, too.  We went to about 7 houses, which was in about a six block radius from our house, and it took us 45 minutes. Flora was really excited and wanted to go to all the houses.  I told her that we could only go to the houses that had the light on.  A couple minutes later she said, "all the houses should have their lights on".  She forgot to say "trick-or-treat" at the first house, but after that she did really well saying it and her "thank you's" as well, even if she did need a little reminding. She got quite a bit of candy and even an apple, which is GREAT!
Later we went to Green Bay for Val's annual Halloween Party.

Sunday we took a trip with the Enz's up north to visit Oma and Opa for the last time until spring.   Flora was dressed as a kitty and Leo was a lion.  They were really excited to see them, but they always are.  ;-)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

End of October Update

Now that Leo is over his double ear infection, he took a little time to pop out his second tooth!  (You can kind of see it on the pic on the right. He has yellow finger paint on his face.)  It broke through on last Tuesday.  We are waiting for one of his top teeth to break through any day now, too.  It's very swollen and has a white spot on the corner.
Leo has learned some cute tricks lately.  He has been nodding and shaking his head.  For the most part he does it with our prompting and will do it on his own if we try to feed him from a spoon or if there is music on.  Which leads me to the next trick, dancing!  Well it's more like bouncing, but it sure is cute!!! :)
Leo has started to say a few words.  He's been saying "uh-oh" and it actually sounds more like that.  The other words he says are: "ditty" for kitty and "da-da" for Papa.
He has been, mostly, sleeping through the night.  He often will get up between 5:30 and 6:00 if he does, though.  It's hard enough to get up at that time, but once the time changes this weekend, it'll be even earlier(kind of!).  At least he's sleeping through the night!  I guess we'll all adapt...
Flora is looking forward to trick-or-treating in our neighborhood.  She is practicing her "meow, meow trick-or-treat" for her kitty costume.  Leo will be a lion, and oblivious to what is going on.
I don't think we'll be making the rounds to family on Saturday.  It's just a lot of running around and it's not fair to Leo to push him past his naps times and have him sleeping in the car.  Sorry, guess you'll just have to wait for pictures or come here and go trick-or-treating with us! ;-)  We would gladly share our candy with you.  Flora begs me all day for candy.
Flora has really been into movies lately.  We have to limit her movie watching to one a day.  She is very persistent, though.  Here she is watching "The Wizard of Oz" with "the scarecrow" we made and "the witch".

It sure is a beautiful, sunny day out there.  I hope you had some time to go out and enjoy it.  We were out for a walk this morning appreciating how the sunshine was highlighting the gorgeous, colorful leaves.  Makes me sad, though, to know that they will all be gone soon and then the "endless" winter will be upon us! :-P
I did put more pictures in the Autumn 2009 album.  I plan on getting some new videos on soon, too.  It just takes a long time to upload them.
Have a great day!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Feeling Better!

Leo is feeling much better! He's been eating more and he slept straight through the last three nights! I hope it continues!!! I could get used to having a full night's sleep! =D

I went to get him out of bed from a nap and this is what I found! I don't know how he did it, he's never done it before. I'm sure I'll walk in there some day to find him completely naked! I'm pretty sure he couldn't get a onesie off, though!
By the way,no new teeth, yet!
Not much is new with Flora. Except I realized the other day that she is completely potty trained! She was about a month ago.
She is looking forward to Halloween and will probably insist on being Dorothy, again. She is spending this weekend with Auntie Robyn. They are going to Point Beach State Forest for their Halloween "party" and trick-or-treating. It should be fun!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Leo's Check Up

Leo's cold turned into a double ear infection. That is news to us, since he never rubs his ears and he is always so cheerful. He has medicine now. Hopefully he feels better soon.

Leo measured out at 30" and weight in at 22lb 10oz.
Still a big boy, but he is off his record pace.

Overall he had a good check up.

Later all.

The Birthday Boy

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I forgot to put the picture on the post!

You can see his tooth really well, here!

Leo is 9 months!

Leo turned 9 months yesterday.  His tooth is quite visible now and I think the other one it on the way.  Tomorrow we have his 9 month check-up.  So we'll see how much he's grown in the last 3 months!
He has also been battling a tough cold, so we'll see what the doc has to say about that, too.  I'll post the results tomorrow.
He learned to say "Oh-oh", he says it more like "ah-ah".  I have a video of him saying it, I'll put it on soon!  We're trying to get him to wave, but he is just amused by us waving at him.
I know I haven't put any pictures on in a while.  Well, that's about to change!  I put a new "Autmn 2009 Slideshow" on the right.  Enjoy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

First and Last...

This is the first and last time you'll see Flora and Leo in these Packer outfits, so enjoy it while it lasts! Flora's is too short and Leo's is kind of snug.
But they still look cute, even if I don't really care about football and Tom is NEVER gonna let me live it down that I put HIS kids in PACKER gear. I hope they win tonight!


Does anyone want to come to our house and babysit from noon-ish on Wednesday, Oct 21st til noon-ish the next day? We're going to a concert in Madison that night.
Just thought I'd ask!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Almost Forgot...

We discovered the other day that Flora's "two-year" molars are coming in on the bottom. One is half-way through and the one on the other side is about a quarter of the way through.

I think she is having a hard time getting used eating with them. She bit her tongue yesterday and twice within the last ten minutes during lunch today(notice the tear on her cheek?).
And, yes, she is wearing her "Dorothy" dress. I asked if she wanted to wear it to see if it still fits. She is obsessed with "The Wizard of Oz" right now and would watch it all day if we let her. We now have the sound track, too. It's so cute to hear her sing the songs! :)
We are currently eating with the birds. I put the bird feeder in the side yard so we can see it while we are eating breakfast and lunch. We saw 11 sparrows, 2 morning doves, and 2 woodpeckers(a male and a female), and one squirrel! Cool!!!
Right now Flora is pretending her celery sticks are me and her and we are picking up apples. Oh, wait, now they're her and Dorothy and they're picking up apples, too. That's some imagination she's got! Guess that means she's done eating, though.

"Cheese, celery!", Flora says.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Got it!

I got a picture of Leo's tooth yesterday.

Can you see it?  It's just tiny right now.
More interesting developments:
Leo made it up the stairs Sunday night.  Tom was following him and Flora was at the top "encouraging" him.  I was recording it.  It is a very dark video, but I will probably put it on anyway, because it's kind of funny to watch Flora.
Leo's fine motor skills are improving.  He is pretty proficient at getting small pieces of food into his mouth.  Which he has been really good at eating lately.  He seems to really enjoy eating whatever we are eating and not eating baby food.
Flora has been doing great with staying dry!  She has never had an accident during her nap time and has only has one, so far, at night.  That is very impressive!!!  I'm sure she'll keep it up!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here's the commercial we're in, in case you haven't seen it. Hope it works! If not, you can click on it in the video section on the right.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Leo finally popped his first tooth today!!!! It's his bottom, center, left tooth. I felt it twice now, but most likely will not be able to get a camera in there for a picture, because we can rarely get a finger in! Maybe when the tooth grows a little more. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Way to Go, Flora!!!

Last night was Flora's first time without a diaper and she stayed dry!!!! I asked her if she wanted a diaper on and she said she want to sleep without one. So we gave it a shot and she did great! We'll keep it up and see how it goes!
She hasn't really been using up any diapers lately, because we reuse the dry ones, but it'll be nice to only have one child in diapers. :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Picnic...

Yesterday we went to Two Rivers for a picnic with my family. We played a little, chatted a little, and ate a little. A good time was had by all(thanks, Mom!)!

The bottom picture is of the kids with two of their cousins, J.J. and Sean(he's the oldest one).

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Little of This, a Little of That

Flora has gone all week without a diaper at nap time- and has stayed dry! Hooray for Flora!!! She has also woke up the last two mornings with a dry diaper. Looks like we are on the way to Flora being diaper-free!
Here's a picture of Leo trying to feed himself.

Not that he got any in his mouth. Especially since his spoon is backwards!
Have a great Labor Day weekend!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just Plain Cute!

Here are some pictures that are just adorable! Enjoy!!!

Taking a ride in the stroller with her "blue baby".

Flora had to use my chop sticks.

Bath time!

Passed out after a morning play date at the park.

Flora is exploring a tiny stream at High Cliff State park. Tuesday is "Hiking Day" at our house. :)

Leo Stands

Sunday morning I went to get Leo out of his room and what do I see? Him standing up!

We knew it wouldn't be long before he started doing it. He did it the next morning, too, and has been pulling himself up on everything and quite easily!

He hasn't been trying to take steps, yet, but I'm sure he'll be doing a lot of "crusing" once he is confident with his standing.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Latest "News"...

Well, not too much is happening.
Leo is continuing to crawl and explore new places and things in the house. He can really get around pretty quickly. His most recent exploration has been the cat food dish. He just likes to feel the food, so far. I'm sure tasting it will be in the near future!
He has also been trying to pull himself to standing. Tom witnessed him let go of the exersaucer while standing and stand alone for 10 seconds. Leo also likes to try to take steps when he is standing while holding our hands. We think he might be walking by his first birthday. :)
Leo has also been tasting new foods, like little pasta, banana bread, and zucchini muffins. He does really well with them and seems to like them a lot! He has also been drinking from a sippy cup at his meals and only has a bottle before bed and if he wakes in the night.
Which brings us to sleeping through the night... sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't. He slept through the night for three nights in a row. Then he has woken up the last three nights- twice last night! Hopefully he'll start sleeping through the night, all the time, soon, so we can all get some sleep!
No teeth yet for Leo. We're thinking about stopping checking, because that's when they'll come, when we're not looking!
Now on to Flora...
She is growing up so quickly, too quickly, in fact! Just the other day I looked back at her while she was walking "by myself" at the grocery store and realized that she really isn't even a toddler any more. She looks so much like a three year old and acts like one, too!
It's amazing the things she says and how much she can really comprehend.
Potty training has pretty much stayed the same, with the exception of the fact that she hasn't gone #2 in her diaper in about a month. She still wets at nap and during the night, but that's okay with us, she has time.
She has been doing GREAT in her big girl bed! She doesn't get out to play before she falls asleep or after she wakes up. She doesn't get out of bed until I open her door. Sometimes I will open her door in the middle of the night and she still will not get out of bed and come out of her room until I peek in. She just reads or talks to herself or her baby or bear.
We have been going hiking more lately(Tuesday is "Hiking Night"). Flora really likes to walk and explore nature. It's normally a slow hike if she's walking, but sometimes we all need to slow down and enjoy nature and the moment! :)
All this time outside has resulted in her first wasp sting. We were at Point Beach, it wanted her sandwich and she got a sting right on the cheek. Good thing I had a frozen Boca burger to put on it and she wasn't allergic. She also got stung, tonight, by a wasp. It got trapped under her skirt and stung her twice on her upper thigh. One of it's stingers was even stuck in her leg. She is such a good sport about it though. She cries for a bit, but once the ice is on it she settles down and it doesn't seem to bother her any more. Poor girl, they sure don't like her! :(
Guess that's all for now!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Leo's 1st Crawl!

Leo crawled forward for the first time last night. I will be putting the video(along with one of Flora splashing in the puddles) on YouTube as I can!

Friday, July 24, 2009

What's Happening Lately

The last few weeks have been so busy that I haven't had time to write. It will be a nice change to not have anything to do! Although, we did have fun camping with our families. :)
Leo is still teething(and waking in the middle of the night). I can feel the edge of one of his teeth through his gums. I'm sure it'll pop through any time now, at least with in the next week or so.
Leo has also been getting around on his own a little. He has been scooting on his belly in circles and backwards(in the pic below, he scooted backwards, under the bed). He can also get onto hands and knees from belly, but has yet to take off crawling. Tom and I think he will be crawling with in the next month. He is also is doing great sitting and has been trying to go from sitting to hands and knees, and tummy to sitting, but gets one foot stuck underneath him!

Leo is eating more baby food and has started eating "puffs" . He is eating 3 "meals" a day(which includes a bottle) and a bottle before bed.

Flora and Leo went to their first "big" concert last night. We saw Rutsted Root in Oshkosh at Waterfest. The last time Tom and saw them, I was pregnant with Flora. Flora seemed to be enamored by the lights and the excitement of the crowd. She said to me, "I want to see the music." I told her it was right there and she could see it. She replied, "I want to go by it". So Tom and I took turns taking her up closer to the stage to dance(it's hard work holding a toddler and dancing to very energetic music!) while Leo was trying to fall asleep in the stroller. Flora thought screaming with the crowd was pretty neat, too. I guess it's not too often that she gets to see grown-ups screaming because they are having fun and we all had lots of it!!! Here she is dancing.

Yesterday Flora slept in her "big girl bed" for the first time(she was excited about her new bed and canopy in the pic below). She was super tired when we got home from the show last night and went right to sleep. This morning when I went to get her she was standing by her door(which is always shut to keep rowdy pets out at night). She went in it for her nap okay, too. We'll have see when she wakes up if she goofed around in her room before settling into bed. I just can't believe how fast she is becoming a little person! Both of the kids are growing way too fast!!!

There are more pictures on the web album, "Summer 2009" and eventually I'll be putting videos of Flora singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "ABC's" to Leo on YouTube.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today Leo had his 6 month check-up. He is 30 inches(over the 100th %) and 20 pounds, 14 ounces(94th %). so he's still a big kid, but we knew that! The dr. said he's proportionate so it's okay. She also said he was ahead of his milestones compared to most babies she saw at his age. She checked out his ears and said they were perfect. She also looked in his mouth an said that it did look like his gums were swollen and any day now he should be popping teeth. No wonder he's been sleeping poorly and waking in the night crying. Hopefully they'll come soon!
So here are some of the things Leo has been accomplishing lately. He is sitting on his own, officially. He has been getting his knees up underneath him and rocking on all fours. He can also scoot backwards and to the side on his belly. So he's getting in shape to start crawling!
Leo has been eating baby food 2-3 times a day. He is doing pretty good at keeping it in his mouth now. Leo has had peas, beans, carrots, sweet taters, squash, green beans, apples, bananas, prunes, pears, rice cereal, and oatmeal.
Leo is still a sweet, mellow little guy, despite the teething. He loves Flora and the pets(in fact we were looking at the calves at tom's aunt's farm last weekend and he was laughing and laughing at them!)He smiles at everyone and they just get such a kick out of him(and Flora, too)! Sorry there aren't pictures, I'm writing this on my phone and can't post pictures, bur I did put some more in the "Summer 2009" album/slideshow. We're on our way up North for the weekend, as we speak! So we hope you all have a great weekend, too!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

More New Stuff on the Blog

I know I haven't posted in a while, but it's summer and for us that means we are busy with camping, weddings, family events, Farmer's Markets, and evening walks after supper.
(Pictured below is us at the Broadway St. Farmer's Market that we go to with Val & Fischer on Wed. coffee nights in Green Bay.)

I'm also waiting until Leo's 6 month Dr. appointment on Thursday to give the full update including his height and weight.
To tide you over until then, there are two new videos (they are on the right in "Enz-a-vision"). One of Flora on her "new" bike, her first two-wheeler.
The other is of Leo being silly. I filmed this because out friend, Troy, kept saying that Leo's so quiet and he never hears him make a peep. Leo was being silly all on his own, so I decided to capture it and to show Troy that Leo is a little noise-maker sometimes. :) I thought the rest of you would get a kick out of it, too!
There is also a new "Summer 2009 Slideshow". This is the album that all the new photos will go into.
That's about all for now. We have had a busy month so far, starting off with Tom's cousin's, Brian, wedding this weekend. Tom was in the wedding party, so that's what made it busy. We're doing a lot of camping, too. We'll be going up North Thursday through Sunday and then the kids and I are going to Lichterman Family Camping the 14th-17th and then coming home, picking up Tom and heading up North to Ed and Mae's annual "Party in the Woods" on the 18th-19th. After all that, things settle down and we don't have a whole lot planned, except for a couples camping trip in the beginning of August and a week-long family vacation in mid-August.
We are also SUPER EXCITED to see Heather at the end of July and the whole month of August!!! We've missed her! ;)
Hope your summer has been enjoyable so far. If not, get out and enjoy it- it's almost half-way over with!