Monday, November 16, 2009

Third Tooth and Wish Lists

Leo's third tooth(upper right center) popped out yesterday!  We have been waiting and waiting for it.  It was so white and bulging, we thought it would come sooner.  His gums are bubbled out in five other spots on the top, so there are more on the way!  He is still his happy self!
I have updated Leo and Flora's wish lists.  Tom updated his a couple weeks ago.  My list has a couple new things on it, but I would like to receive Visa gift cards for Christmas to use when I go to Italy in June to attend my friend, Heather's, wedding.  I know gift cards aren't very personal, but I could use them towards my travels and those memories would be something I'd never forget!
All the wish list links are on the right-hand side.
I'm putting a new video up on here in a little bit.  You can check it out on "Enz-a-vision".  It is of our Up North neighbor, Oma Olga, singing a German song to Leo.

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