Sunday, July 5, 2009

More New Stuff on the Blog

I know I haven't posted in a while, but it's summer and for us that means we are busy with camping, weddings, family events, Farmer's Markets, and evening walks after supper.
(Pictured below is us at the Broadway St. Farmer's Market that we go to with Val & Fischer on Wed. coffee nights in Green Bay.)

I'm also waiting until Leo's 6 month Dr. appointment on Thursday to give the full update including his height and weight.
To tide you over until then, there are two new videos (they are on the right in "Enz-a-vision"). One of Flora on her "new" bike, her first two-wheeler.
The other is of Leo being silly. I filmed this because out friend, Troy, kept saying that Leo's so quiet and he never hears him make a peep. Leo was being silly all on his own, so I decided to capture it and to show Troy that Leo is a little noise-maker sometimes. :) I thought the rest of you would get a kick out of it, too!
There is also a new "Summer 2009 Slideshow". This is the album that all the new photos will go into.
That's about all for now. We have had a busy month so far, starting off with Tom's cousin's, Brian, wedding this weekend. Tom was in the wedding party, so that's what made it busy. We're doing a lot of camping, too. We'll be going up North Thursday through Sunday and then the kids and I are going to Lichterman Family Camping the 14th-17th and then coming home, picking up Tom and heading up North to Ed and Mae's annual "Party in the Woods" on the 18th-19th. After all that, things settle down and we don't have a whole lot planned, except for a couples camping trip in the beginning of August and a week-long family vacation in mid-August.
We are also SUPER EXCITED to see Heather at the end of July and the whole month of August!!! We've missed her! ;)
Hope your summer has been enjoyable so far. If not, get out and enjoy it- it's almost half-way over with!

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