Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today Leo had his 6 month check-up. He is 30 inches(over the 100th %) and 20 pounds, 14 ounces(94th %). so he's still a big kid, but we knew that! The dr. said he's proportionate so it's okay. She also said he was ahead of his milestones compared to most babies she saw at his age. She checked out his ears and said they were perfect. She also looked in his mouth an said that it did look like his gums were swollen and any day now he should be popping teeth. No wonder he's been sleeping poorly and waking in the night crying. Hopefully they'll come soon!
So here are some of the things Leo has been accomplishing lately. He is sitting on his own, officially. He has been getting his knees up underneath him and rocking on all fours. He can also scoot backwards and to the side on his belly. So he's getting in shape to start crawling!
Leo has been eating baby food 2-3 times a day. He is doing pretty good at keeping it in his mouth now. Leo has had peas, beans, carrots, sweet taters, squash, green beans, apples, bananas, prunes, pears, rice cereal, and oatmeal.
Leo is still a sweet, mellow little guy, despite the teething. He loves Flora and the pets(in fact we were looking at the calves at tom's aunt's farm last weekend and he was laughing and laughing at them!)He smiles at everyone and they just get such a kick out of him(and Flora, too)! Sorry there aren't pictures, I'm writing this on my phone and can't post pictures, bur I did put some more in the "Summer 2009" album/slideshow. We're on our way up North for the weekend, as we speak! So we hope you all have a great weekend, too!!!

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