Monday, November 24, 2008

Snow Fun!

This morning most of us woke up to a beautiful downy blanket of snow.  Of course Flora and I took advantage of this and played a little in the first decent snow of the season.
Flora explored the snow while I shoveled the sidewalk and threw it at Mocha(she actually loves that!).  
When my work was done, Flora went for a little ride in her sled that she got last year for x-mas.  I guess we better put a new sled on her wish list because she seems to have out grown the one from last year.  At least the baby will be able to use it this winter.
After a few laps around the yard, Flora played in her "playground".  She went down the slide once and then decided to clean the snow off the picnic table and the turtle sandbox.   Then it was time to go in and warm up.
 Hope you all enjoyed the snow as much as we did!!  Have a great day!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

35 weeks...

Hi again, I just was looking at my first "Belly Book" and noticed that I was pretty much wearing the same outfit at 35 weeks as I am today, at 35 weeks.  So I thought that you all would like to see so you can compare, too.  You'll have to let me know what you think!  I put a poll on the right side of the screen.
The picture on the top is my current pregnancy and the bottom one is with Flora.

Flora has a pretty good cold going right now.  It started yesterday.  She must have gotten it from Tom, because he has one, too.  She is being a trooper with all the nose wiping, though.  
To top that off she got a pretty good diaper rash from eating an orange yesterday, which puts my traditional cold remedy of drinking a whole carton of OJ out of commission.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

34 weeks update

Today I had my 34 weeks appointment with Jill.  Only 6 more weeks to go(or 38 days if you look on the counter below)!  My belly measured 34 cm(right where it should be) and I gained 1 pound.  So I guess baby's little growth spurt was just that, thankfully.  But I guess you never know, things could still change!
My blood pressure was good and so was baby's heart beat.  Nothing too exciting.  
The next appointment will be on Dec. 1st for 36 week check-up.  After that we will be seeing Jill(or Andi, the other midwife) every week.  I probably won't post an update every week, unless there is something interesting to hear about.
Flora's cut is getting better, but still looks the same.  It probably will stay that way until the glue comes off.  She is very good about not touching it, though.  
Sally has joined the bowling team at her school.  She went bowling a couple of weeks ago and got a 77 and an 80.  Not too bad for a first time!  Tonight they have a meet(I think) and she will have practice every Thursday.
We are almost done x-mas shopping.  I wanted to get it done before the rush started and before I got too pregnant.  
If you need any ideas for Flora, she wears a size 24 months, but doesn't need much for clothes.  Things that she might like are a child-sized rocking chair for her room(since we will probably be putting the big one in our room to use for the baby), trucks or buses(they don't have to make noise).  That's about all I can think of.  Of course there are more ideas on her wish list.  
As for baby... Baby doesn't need much, there will be plenty of time to buy gifts for baby after it is born and the gender is revealed.  If it's a boy, I'm sure we'll need some boy clothes, although, we do have enough of Flora's non-gender specific basics(sleepers, gowns, hats, socks, onesies, etc.) for the first couple months.  If you are really looking for something to buy the new one, you can check out the baby's wish list as well.
Have fun shopping for all you x-mas gifts!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Flora took her first major digger yesterday.  She was sitting on the chair in the living room and slid off of it and pitched forward into the coffee table.  She hit it with her forehead, causing a cut above her eye brow.   
So we ended up going to the doctor.  He glued it shut since I really didn't want her to have to go through stitches.  She did really well with the procedure until the doc and nurse had to peel away the gauze that was protecting her eye from getting glue in it because it had gotten stuck.  Ouch!  She was so brave, though. :)  She has also been really good about not touching it, too.
Here she is with the Sponge Bob band-aid the dr. gave her(there are more pictures of the real wound on the web album Fall 2008 if you really want to see it).
On a more pleasant note... Flora's first eye tooth(13th tooth) finally popped through on the bottom right side.  I'm sure the other's will be pooping up within the next couple months.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Week 32 Update...

Yesterday I had an appointment with Jill, our midwife.  It was a standard appointment.  Baby's heart rate was in the 140's which is good and my belly measured 34 cm.  So baby must have had a growth spurt.  Jill said don't be surprised if at my 34 weeks appointment my belly measurement stays the same.  I'm hoping that this baby doesn't just keep on getting bigger and bigger(beyond average growth, I mean).  I'm already afraid that it will be bigger than Flora!  Which does happen with second babies, but usually less than a half a pound.
I , on the other hand, lost 1 pound.  Probably because the baby took it for the big growth spurt it had. :)  
We also talked about what I wanted for my birth.  All I want is a water birth.  Hopefully that can happen this time.
I have appointments every 2 weeks now and will start having them every week after 36 weeks.
Tomorrow I will be 33 weeks.  I can't believe we're going to have a baby next month!  Well, it better be next month!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!  To celebrate Halloween, we went Trick-or-Treating in Two Rivers and Manitowoc, where my family lives.  
Flora was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Tom was a "Hippy" on Halloween and his dad for Val's party, Sally was a bag of jelly beans, and I was Mother Earth(there are more pictures on Flora's web album and the Fall 2008 slide show).

We all received some very tasty treats! Thanks Mom, Denny, Dad, and Robyn!

Flora even got some(actually a lot, she helped herself!) of Play-Doh from Auntie Robyn. Here she is playing with it, practicing making cut-out cookies. She only tasted it once. We told her it wasn't for eating and she didn't try it again.

As for me, I'm doing pretty well, I just have a little less energy than usual. Getting bigger as you may have noticed from the belly slide show. I had a midwife appointment a week and a half ago and I have another on the 4th(I go every two weeks now). Baby's heartbeat was good and my belly measured 30 cm, which is right on for 30 weeks(the number of weeks should match the belly measurement in centimeters). Nothing too major, just a standard appointment. I'll keep you updated when I have my appointments. Only 8 more weeks to go! Well, until my due date. We are hoping to wait until after Christmas to have this baby, but I guess you never know!
Here's my public service announcement: Please remember to VOTE on Tuesday, November 4th. You, by law, are allowed 3 hours in a row, off of work to vote(granted your employer can decide when those three hours are). And remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain!