Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dr. Appointments

Watching TV together.
Flora and Leo had their doctor appointments on Monday.  Flora's for two years and Leo for two months.  The doctor said both of them were healthy.  
Leo was cooperative, but I had to wrestle Flora's clothes off of her, stand on the scale with her, and pin her down just to measure her height.  She also wouldn't let the doctor look in her eyes or mouth.  Somehow the doctor was able to look in her ears and listen to her heart and lungs.  I don't know what happened, because on the car ride there, that's all she was talking about.  "I go doctor."  "Leo go doctor." Doctor, doctor, doctor!  She must have said it 50 times, seriously, it's a 15 minute drive.  
Well, anyway, here are the weights and measures:
Weight: Height: Head Circumference:
Flora:  24 lbs 6 oz(25%)   33.8 inches(54%)   18.9 inches(66%)
Leo:     14 lbs 5 oz(95%)   24.2 inches(98%)   16.5 inches(91%)
I don't think Flora's height measurement was accurate because of Flora squirming on the table(they mark on the table's paper at her heel and the top of her head and then measure that).  I'll have to measure her again.
I was a little concerned with both of their weights.  But the doctor didn't seem to be.  She said Flora being a choosey eater was part of being a toddler, which I knew.  And Leo weighing what he does is alright because it is all proportionate with his height and head size.
At any rate, I'm sure they'll even out at some point.  
Two-year update for Flora:
Flora has been less of a "terrible two" lately.  I think cutting that last eye tooth gave her some relief and helped her be in a little better mood.   Although, she continues to develop her independence.  For the most part she can put most of her clothes on by herself, if we let her. 
We have been putting Flora on the potty more lately.  She has been asking to go on the potty and usually will pee.  I don't think she is completely ready because she doesn't stay dry during naps and doesn't care that she is wet or messy.  She does know when she needs her diaper change and has a sense of humor about it.  She'll often say, "I poopy!" and we'll get her up on the changing table and open up her wet diaper and she'll say with a smile, "I just wet."  We're going to let her set the pace(the dr. said the average age is 3) and if she isn't potty trained by summer, we'll just let her run around bottomless outside to feel how good it feels to not wear a diaper.  
She is still helpful with Leo, wanting to help feed him, give him his pacifier, change his diaper, wipe his face, etc.  "He's cute!", she says.
Flora has an enormous vocabulary(she has been using 5 word sentences at times) and an excellent memory.  She can remember something we talked about or did months ago.  She also has an excellent grasp of concepts and is starting to remember colors.  
Some of Flora's favorite things are: reading, bathing, helping cook, helping in general, doing art projects, play dough, babies, being silly, Curious George, going to Mom and Pop Place("be gentle and share", she says on the way there), coloring with Sally, walks, swinging, fruit, homemade yogurt smoothies, and turkey hot dogs.
Two month update for Leo:
Leo is still a content baby.  We get lots of smiles from him and he has been having "conversations" with us for the last couple weeks.  He basically only fusses or cries when he's hungry or tired.  
Leo eats 5-6 oz for each feeding, every 3-4 hours, except at night.  He does spit up a little, but usually not as much as Flora did.  He's a "happy spitter"!
At night he has been sleeping about 5 hours waking up and having a bottle, and then sleeping 3-4 more hours.  He usually goes back to sleep very easily.  During the day he takes a couple 2-3 hour naps and several 45-75 minute naps.  Usually if he stays awake for two hours, then he's very ready for a nap.  
We've started giving him more tummy time.  He doesn't really like, but what baby really does until they are older?
Leo does like to play in his lion gym, kicking and swatting at the toys hanging down.  He'll play in there quite a while if he's in the right mood.
He also likes going for walks.  He usually falls asleep because he's nice and cozy next to me or Tom in the front carrier.
We just can't believe how fast he's growing and can't imagine what he'll be like in two more months!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing honey. I really love looking at your blogs. It makes my day.
love, G.S.