Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Flora!

Happy 2nd Birthday to Flora!!!!! To celebrate the occasion, we went to her favorite spot to play, Mom and Pop Place, and played with our friend, Kris, and her daughter, Opal. We also ate lunch there, which was a treat, since we usually don't.

After Flora's nap we took advantage of the beautiful day and she played on the back porch in her sand box while I finished cleaning up the back yard.

It was Leo's first time outside in the "pod". He seemed to enjoy it!

When Papa came home we went in and Flora opened her presents. From us she got 5 books, more play dough tools, "big girl" undies, and a ballerina skirt. Sally gave her a cute mug with a leopard with dangly feet on it.

We then had one of Flora's favorite meals, spaghetti!  

After supper we all walked down town. When we came back we sang Flora "Happy Birthday" and she blew out the candles on her Dairy Queen ice cream cupcake.
All-in-all, she had a nice birthday. Thank you all for the gifts, too. She has been having a lot of fun playing with her new things and reading her new books.

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