Thursday, February 26, 2009

All Kinds of Cutting

Flora learned how to cut today(no, she didn't discover it by her self! It was a parent guided activity). She was quite excited about it. I started off by making it very clear that she could only cut paper. I put her fingers in the scissors and she went to town! It occupied her for at least 20 minutes.

Later, while she was eating lunch, I decided to give her a hair cut. She sat pretty good. I only had to remind her a couple times to look at certain things so her head would be straight. She's got a cute little bob(no bangs, by the way :-P), just to straighten off the bottom. In all, I cut off about an inch and a half and put in her baby book.  You can check out more pictures of Flora's hair cut on the Winter web album.

Leo is doing well, too. I measured him the other day. He was about 24.5".
Flora(for 2 yr check) and Leo(for 2 month check) both have doctors appointments on March 9th, so I'll update more then!

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