Monday, May 11, 2009

Leo's 4 Month Check-up

Leo had his 4 month check-up today.   Here are the current measurements:  Height- 28"(100th percentile- dr. said he was "off the charts")  Weight- 18 lbs, 1 oz (94th percentile- more that double his birth weight now!)  Head Circumference 45 cm(98th percentile).  Holy smokes, he sure has grown!! If you have seen him lately, you can attest to that! 
He is also continuing to get stronger when he's on his tummy.  He can sit up pretty well, too.  We just have to spot him so he doesn't topple over. :)  
Leo loves to scoot around when he's on his back.  Even if that means it's at 3 a.m.  He will do 90-18o degree turns.  He has rolled from tummy to back and from back to tummy, but doesn't do so on a regular basis.
Leo is all about his mouth lately.  He'll put what ever he can get his hands on in his mouth.  And if he doesn't have anything in his hands, he'll put them in his mouth!
Our growing boy is still drinking 6-7 ounces, each feeding, every 3-4 hours.  Except at night.  He will usually have his last bottle and sleep for about 5-6 hours from that time.  As for naps, he usually take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon and about an hour nap before and after his long one.  
Leo continues to be mellow and good-natured.  He likes to smile and is a generally happy boy! 
Not to forget our other little sweetie, Flora!  Her vocabulary is amazing.  She know so many words and will repeat just about everything, so watch what you say around her!  She is also starting to grasp the art of conversation.  Yesterday in the car she said, "Leo has a owl hat?"  
I said, "yes, he has an owl hat."
"Did you make it?" she asked.
"Yes, I did.
"It's cute!"
"Thank you, Flora!" What a cutie! 
She has also been singing songs to herself.  Sometimes it's bits of songs she has head or sometimes it's songs she is making up or just random nothing-ness.  Either way it's super cute, too!
Flora has been potty training a little lately.  We'll put her in undies with out pants and remind/ask her to go potty and she'll keep them dry for the most part.  If she does wet them, she knows it and knows where she needs to go.  We've only done it a handful of times last week.  She wears a diaper for naps and when we are out and only wears undies when she requests it or when we ask and she agrees.  We need to get some more under wear before we try potty training more seriously.  
Flora has been very shy lately, even with people she knows, so please don't be offended if she is stand-off-ish with you.  She needs a bit to warm up to people.  It's just her age and a phase, she'll get over it, I hope!
Here is Flora "writing" while we are grocery shopping.  Can you see the letter "P" at the bottom?  She told me she was drawing circles and exclaimed, "I did it!", when she wrote the "P".  She's just too smart!
Hope you all had a great Mother's Day!  I got coffee in bed(we were going out for breakfast with my mom), chocolate, tulips, a gift certificate(I need some more summer bottoms), and a sweet card.  Flora and Leo did a great job! ;)

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