Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pool-time fun!

Today was so nice out that I couldn't resist getting the pool out for Flora.

Leo woke up right as we finished filling it, so he got to play in it too. But only for a little while because he needed to eat and he didn't have sun screen on.
Flora is in her second week of potty training. She is doing really well! She can hold it if she doesn't have a diaper on(she only wears one when she's sleeping), which is most of the time, even on walks and in the car. If she does wet a little she can stop it and tells me/us she needs to go potty.
Today she went #2 on the potty for the first time! She even told me that she had to go potty and held it until we got up to the bathroom. We are so proud of her!!! Now she just needs to get trained for when she sleeps and we'll be diaper free! At least for her! ;)

Enjoy the beautiful day!!!

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