Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!!!

Today is Earth Day. We hope everyone is celebrating appropriately and remembering to keep the Earth in mind everyday when you go about your daily activities.
Here are some easy Earth-friendly tips that you can do:
- Use cloth bags at the grocery store and other stores, too! :) I know a lot of you do this already. Keep remembering those bags!
- Use cloth napkins, it's not that hard. We use ours for a week and then throw them in with the towels. Besides, when else are you going to use them?
- Use rags for cleaning(you can also leave out a basket of rags and try to use them instead of paper towels). Cut up t-shirts make great rags for washing windows, but who does that?! You can also use rags, cut to size, in your Swiffer(if you have one). You can also spray the rag with some kind of cleaner after you put it on. This saves you money, too!
- Use glass canning jars(or clean, glass jars from some other food like pickles) to put leftovers in(or store dry goods: beans, grains, pasta, flour, etc.). They are BPA free, dishwasher safe, microwaveable, freeze-able, refrider-able(?) and easy to stack.
That's all I've got! Have a Happy Earth Day! Get out and enjoy what our beautiful planet has to offer!
Now for the kids' stuff!
I weighed Leo on Monday, he is 16 pounds, 7 ounces! He is about 26 1/2 inches long. Flora wasn't that size until somewhere between 5 and 6 months. Leo is currently in 6-9 months jammies and Onesies, any thing that is one piece, has a snap crotch, or "footies", because he's so long. He still fits into 3-6 moths for separates.
Flora is doing well, too. I think she is growing, too, because some of her pants are getting short on her.
She continues to go on the potty once and a while. Now that the weather is getting warmer, we can keep her in just undies or bottomless more often.
Here are two pictures for you to compare(I know you like to do this, I do too!:) Flora was about the age that Leo is in this picture, that was taken this morning, hence the the tree-hugger shirt. Have fun!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my,
Such big eyes they have. Right now only the nose looks different.
Nice looking kids. You guys did good.
Love G.S.