Monday, January 5, 2009

Still No News...

This afternoon, I went to see Jill.  Not much has changed.  Baby's heartbeat is still good and so is the fluid level.  Over tonight and tomorrow morning, I am going to use some herbs(black and blue cohosh) to try and stimulate labor.  If this doesn't work, we are going to just wait and let nature take it's course.  Once I go over 42 weeks, I will have to get a non-stress test or a biophysical profile.  Which just means getting an ultrasound and listening to the heart beat to make sure baby is in good health and can wait a little longer to be born.  
I am very okay with this.  I'm tired of trying all these "interventions" and just want to go into labor on my own.  Granted, I am excited to meet our little one, but feel that if waiting is what he or she needs to do, than that's what should be done.  
I am not worried at all about any of this.  I think that this is just how my body works.  It likes to hold on until the time is perfect.  So, please, don't any of you be worried either. :)  It won't make the baby come any faster. 
I will continue to update you through the blog and when you get a call(or an e-mail if you aren't immediate family or a close friend), that will be the call to let you know the baby has been born!  So please don't call me.  If you want to ask how I'm doing you can e-mail me, I would gladly respond to them.  Sorry if this may seem crabby, but I would like to pretend like I'm not "overdue" and live my life normally until the day(or night) comes and if you did the same, it would make me feel more at ease.  
Thanks and hopefully I'll be talking to you sooner than later!!! :)

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