Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Leo's First Week

Leo has had a pretty relaxed first week. We had quite a few visitors from Tuesday until Sunday. Thank you all for visiting and for the gifts and food- YUM!

Sunday Leo had his first outing, to the grocery store! He cried when we put him in the car seat, but quickly settled down. He fell asleep in the car and slept the whole time at the store. He didn't wake up until we had almost all of the groceries put away at home.
On Monday Leo, Flora, and I went to Target to pick up a few things. Leo fell asleep in the car and didn't even wake up when I put him in the front carrier. He slept the whole time there, too. I guess he likes shopping! I bet Tom will like that!!! ;-)
Tomorrow we plan on going to Green Bay to have coffee with Val and Fischer.
On Friday, Leo has his first doctor's appointment, just to get checked out.
This morning Flora fed Leo a bottle. She did a really great job. She is very helpful and loving, but doesn't really seem too jealous.

Leo has been nursing really well. We are giving him an ounce of milk here and there to make sure he is full, since we are not sure how sufficient my milk supply is. He tolerates the switching well and doesn't spit-up like Flora did, but you never know!
At night Leo is a champ! He sleeps for about 4 hours, nurses(which takes an hour or a little more), and goes back to sleep for about 3-4 more hours.
During the day he takes 2-3 hour naps and wakes mostly to eat. He is most often alert around 7-8 at night for a longer period of time and randomly, throughout the day, for shorter periods of time. He has a good temperament so far...
Tom has started a another blog. It's a family blog that he will be updating. The web address is: It is also on the right side under "Other Interesting Links". I will still post on this blog unless we need to switch for some strange reason.

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