Monday, November 23, 2009

Lots of Birthdays!

This weekend we went to Two Rivers to celebrate my nephew, J.J.'s, second birthday and my niece, Hailey's, sixth birthday.  We got to see all of my family, all in one place.  That doesn't happen very often, so it was kind of a treat!  There are a few more pictures of the party in the "Autumn 2009" album.

Afterwards, we went to Green Bay to see Grandma Mae and Grandpa La La and go to our friend, Troy's, birthday party.   Here, Flora is helping Grandma make some tasty oatmeal cookies.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just Flora Pictures...

Flora's animals are all sitting in their "high chairs" and eating cakes while sitting at their "tables".

We got Flora a new car seat last night. Now she buckles up like a big person!

He He! I couldn't help myself. :)


Q.P. climbs in bed with Flora.

Leo's Taking a Stand!

Leo and I were sitting on the kitchen floor after lunch and he used my leg to stand up. Then he let go- on purpose! He stood for like 15-20 seconds before lowering himself to the floor. He did again two or three times after that. He's making his way, how exciting!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Third Tooth Picture

Here's a picture of Leo's third tooth.  Sorry about the booger-nose and my hand in the way.  He's quite a mover, so it's hard to get a good picture.  His new tooth is already changing the look of his face.  I can't wait to see how he looks with the next one!  I'm sure he won't be asking for his two front teeth for Christmas, he probably have them!  But you never know...
I guess I forgot to update you on the kids' sizes in case you needed to know.
Leo is wearing size 18 months for shirts, pants, and pajamas.  He wears a size 4 WIDE in shoes.  He was weighed at the Dr. last Friday(we went to get his ear's re-checked, and they're all clear!) and he weighs 24.2 pounds.  He doesn't need much for clothes, but I'd like him to have more onesies(size 24 months if they're Gerber, size 18 months if they're any other brand) and sweatshirts or sweaters for when it's really cold.
Flora weighs 30.2 pounds and is 38 inches(I weighed her while we waited for the Dr.).  She is wearing size 3T in pants and footie pajamas(because of her height), a 2T in tops and nightgowns, and a size 7 1/2 or 8 in shoes.   She doesn't need much either, just some crew neck undershirts(size 2T/3T)- the boys kind like Hanes or Fruit of the Loom.  I don't know why they don't make undershirts for girls, only camisoles.  Those aren't very warm...  Besides, then Leo can use them sooner or later.  Most likely sooner, the way he's growing!!! :)
If you're thinking of getting the kids a big item, I'm sure Flora would like a bigger slide(stand alone or  attached to a climber) would be nice, too.   Flora can sit on the one we have now and her feet can just about touch the ground, not much fun for her, but it's good for Leo.  One that folded, like this one, would be nice... Second-hand is cool with us!
That's about all I can think of, for now.  I'll let you know if I think of something else!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Oops, almost forgot!

Leo started waving on Thursday and clapping on Friday! Here's a video of him clapping. Sorry it's dark.

I also put two other videos on the blog. One of Flora watercolor painting and one of Tom and Flora jumping/dancing.

Third Tooth and Wish Lists

Leo's third tooth(upper right center) popped out yesterday!  We have been waiting and waiting for it.  It was so white and bulging, we thought it would come sooner.  His gums are bubbled out in five other spots on the top, so there are more on the way!  He is still his happy self!
I have updated Leo and Flora's wish lists.  Tom updated his a couple weeks ago.  My list has a couple new things on it, but I would like to receive Visa gift cards for Christmas to use when I go to Italy in June to attend my friend, Heather's, wedding.  I know gift cards aren't very personal, but I could use them towards my travels and those memories would be something I'd never forget!
All the wish list links are on the right-hand side.
I'm putting a new video up on here in a little bit.  You can check it out on "Enz-a-vision".  It is of our Up North neighbor, Oma Olga, singing a German song to Leo.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So Flora, Leo, and I are sitting here eating breakfast. Leo and I were looking at each other and he starts kicking his feet excitedly and exclaims, "Mama!". He has said it before, but not so directly at me. It was very cute!
He says "Papa", too, but it sounds more like "bu-ba".
Yesterday Flora got to play with our cousin Everett at Mom and Pop. We also got to meet his little sister, Morgan, for the first time. What a little peanut!
Today we're going to meet our friends, Kris, Opal, and Cleo at the coffee shop and then walk to the park to play! Enjoying the nice weather while it lasts!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Flora's haircut

Today Flora got her first professional haircut. We walked down to Heads of Time in the Between the Locks building. They have a "Tiny Tots Territory" there with toys, slides, and fun things for the kids to sit on while they get their hair cut.

Flora chose the red horse, then quickly changed her mind and wanted the blue one instead. During her haircut she wanted to switch again to the elephant(there was a car, too in case you were wondering!). But she was already in the midst of her cut, so she had to stay put.

She did really well. She sat pretty nicely and listened to the stylist. I was surprised that she didn't get "shy". The stylist put pigtails in her hair and Flora got to pick which bows to put on them. She also recieved a sucker at the end! Her hair turned out really cute! Even though it's hard to tell in this picture.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Silly Boy

Today when I went to get Leo out of his crib(he was supposed to be napping) to go to the library for story time, this is what I found...

He had pants on when I put him in there, mind you. Then each time I asked him, "what are you doing?", he'd return to the mirror and do this...

It was kind of convienent that he had his pants off because I had to change him diaper before going to the library.

Once we got there, Leo was mesmerized for the first 10 minutes or so. Flora had a good time, too. She said her favorite part was the catapillar( the librarian is wearing it on her arm in the picture above). She also had a lot of fun jumping, dancing and spinning!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun!

On Saturday I took Flora trick-or-treating in our neighborhood for the first time.  Leo was asleep or he would have come, too.  We went to about 7 houses, which was in about a six block radius from our house, and it took us 45 minutes. Flora was really excited and wanted to go to all the houses.  I told her that we could only go to the houses that had the light on.  A couple minutes later she said, "all the houses should have their lights on".  She forgot to say "trick-or-treat" at the first house, but after that she did really well saying it and her "thank you's" as well, even if she did need a little reminding. She got quite a bit of candy and even an apple, which is GREAT!
Later we went to Green Bay for Val's annual Halloween Party.

Sunday we took a trip with the Enz's up north to visit Oma and Opa for the last time until spring.   Flora was dressed as a kitty and Leo was a lion.  They were really excited to see them, but they always are.  ;-)