Thursday, July 17, 2008

16 Months Today!

Today Flora turns 16 months! She is getting so big and growing up so fast. I measured her yesterday and she is 32 3/4 inches. She weighs about 22-23 pounds. Still tall and thin.

Here she is wearing a Curious George shirt I made from one of Tom's old t-shirts. She wanted to wear those boots!
Last week we went camping with my family. We had a nice time despite the fact that Flora was cutting 3 of her first molars and developed a 102 temp on Wednesday. She was feeling all around yucky that day and was also quite lethargic. She probably had a sore throat, too. When we got home on Friday, we noticed what we at first thought were bug bites on her feet or some kind of irritation from her shoes. On Sunday I finally put two-and-two together and realized she had had hand, foot, and mouth. I looked it up and her symptoms followed the pattern of the illness. It is a viral illness that is only treated with a pain reliever(like Tylenol) for the sore throat and the fever. Adults and children over age 10 can get it but often don't show symptoms and can be carriers with out even knowing it. So we don't know where Flora got it from.
She's all better now and back to her old self! We did get to enjoy the beach and see and play with a lot of our cousins, aunts, and uncles, which was nice.
"Darn floppy hat, I can't see!"
This week I got her a baby doll stroller and she has been either having a blast with it, running into/chasing the dogs, or getting angry at it because she gets it stuck on chairs and other things. The best 45 cents I've spent this week!
She is also becoming more independent with her walking. She has sometimes been refusing to sit in the shopping cart. So that makes for an especially "fun" trip to the store. We went to Hobby Lobby on Tuesday and she had to walk in the store and she wanted to touch all the fake grapes(that looked very real) which seemed to be on every single display! We made it out okay and in a lot faster time than if we had used a cart.
Flora has been "sleeping-in" lately. She used to wake up at 6 or 6:30, no matter what time she went to bed. Now she sleeps about 11-12 hours from when she went to bed. This is very nice for us! I still get up at 6 or 7, but then I get some time to myself in the morning to do what ever(write a blog entry).
One more thing... Flora's is continuing to build her vocabulary. She often tries to repeat what we say. Her latest words are "up", "cook-cook"(cookie), and "cockie"(cracker). Something that is a little more impressive is that she started saying two-word phases. She has said, "bye kitty", "bye baby", and "Rainy food".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see how observant and attentive you are with Flora. Life
is too short to take even the least little morsal of it for granted.
She really is a charismatic character.-s-s SO CUTE!
Love, G.S.