Friday, June 27, 2008

Beating the Heat

Yesterday Mama was hot and crabby. So Flora and I decided to check out our local pool at Erb Park.
At first she was a little cautious. Then once she saw all the other kids, she decided it was fun. She walked around for a while.

Then she played with some other little girls and they shared their toys with her. By that time she was crawling around and gulping water. A couple of times she dunked herself when she fell from standing onto her butt and tipped backwards. I rescued her, of course, and she just shook it off and went back to playing.
When it was time to go, she cried. I guess she was having too much fun(she was also tired and in need of a nap)!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Current "News"

The most interesting thing that happened this week is that we got our house painted. Good-bye blah tan- Hello yellow!
We like it, but think it will take some getting used to. It sure is bright and cheery, and that's what we wanted.

In other news, Flora's seventh tooth came in on Wednesday. It's the left one, on top, to accompany the last on she got. She has been a little whinier and clingier than normal, but not too bad. Sorry I wasn't able to get a pic. You'll just have to wait to see it in her smile!

Not news, but fun. Today Flora explored her sprinkler for the first time. She only liked to splash and touch the water. She's kind of little to understand the whole running through thing.

That's all for now. We have a jam-packed fun-filled weekend ahead of us. Tonight we're going to my friend Amy's for a BBQ. Tomorrow we are going to Val and Joe's for a "Welcome Fischer/ Summer Solstice Potluck". Finally on Sunday Flora is going to Grandpa Joe and Jeanne's while Tom and I go to the Brewer game. Whew! It's be lots of fun!

Current "News"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Friend to Play With...

Today we watched my cousin Darrin and Rachel's son, Everett. We played a little and ate a little. Then Val came over with Fischer and all five of us walked downtown for lunch and coffee.

Here are Flora and Everett playing (there are two more pics of them in the "Spring 2008" album). They played very nicely together. She kept handing him a toys to chew on. At least she is sharing!

The kids are both sleeping now. So I get to take a break, too. Having two kids is more than I'm used to, but I can handle it! :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More walking...

Flora is continuing to walk and has been getting a bit braver. We went to the park today and she was able to walk on the wood chips. Here is better video of her walking:

We can't believe how fast she is changing into a "big girl"!

Here she is eating my apple, because she just had to have it! :)

I think it's funny that the apple is half as big as her face!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Exciting News!!

Boy, we have had an exciting last two days! Yesterday Flora officially became a toddler. She started to walk all on her own around the kitchen. Then in the living room and form me to Tom. But she was silly tired and started to get clumsy and goofy. Flora has use her new skills a couple times today, there's no turning back now!!!
Now the other exciting news! Val, one of my best friends, had a baby boy this morning at 8 a.m. His name is Fischer and he weighs 8 lbs, 1 oz. and is 20 inches long. Mom and baby are both healthy, and doing well. He was born naturally without any drugs of any kind. Val did an awesome job.

Flora and I were there for the momentous occasion. Flora was a very good sport. She got a little upset (she didn't cry, though)at the very end, but was easily comforted once she saw the baby. If anyone wants to see more pictures of the new family, e-mail me and I'll mail you the link.