Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Yesterday while Flora and I were at the store, she took her shoes and socks off(of course!), and dropped her sock and said, "ah-ooh".  I said it back to her and gave it back to her and we did this a couple more times, saying "uh-oh" each time!
Her vocabulary currently consists of(spelled the way she says them):  "daggy"(doggy), "ditty"(kitty), "hi", and now "ah-ooh".  Doggy was her first word, then kitty.  For awhile she called the cats "doggy", but now gets them right.  She also knows when to say "hi".  Like when I come get her from a nap she will say "hi" or if I peek at her in the back seat of the car.  It's just sooo darn cute!  I'm trying to get her to say, "hi kitty".  But 2-words sentences are a little ways off.  It doesn't hurt to try, though!
Tooth #4 popped through, finally, last Wednesday.  I had been waiting to write about it until I could get a good picture.  But lately when the camera is anywhere near Flora, she thinks she can have it and will fuss if she doesn't get it.  So having the camera that close to her is a battle resulting in a unhappy baby.  Here is a pretty cute shot of her toothy grin:
Thanks to everyone who came to my birthday party on Saturday!  I know the weather wasn't the best, but I'm grateful everyone arrived safely.  Thanks for the presents as well.  
We all had a great time!  Although Flora did get a little tired at the end.
If you would like to see all the pictures from the party click on the link below.  My friend Pedro took most of the pictures after the gift opening.
As for my actual birthday, we had a nice home-cooked meal and Tom bought me a dozen red roses at Flora's request.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a swell guy! Glad you enjoyed both birthdays. Flora looks a lot like you in that mother/daughter pic.Especially her eyes and mouth.
love you both, GS