Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's Voting Day!

Today is Voting Day in Wisconsin.  So, I hope you all went out and voted to make your voice heard.  Flora went with me to vote this morning.  All the volunteers were checking her out.  We even met one of Tom's first cousins.  I didn't catch her name, but she is Marcy Enz's daughter.  In Flora news...
Flora received her first potty yesterday.  She has sat on it a couple times without success.  We will start to potty training/EC-ing her now and hopefully she will be potty trained by 18 months(that's how old I was along with most babies before the 1950's).  I think the fact that we're using cloth inserts in her gDiapers will encourage her to not want to feel that wetness.
Flora also wore pig-tails for the first time yesterday!  Tom thinks she will be wearing them from now on because I like them so much!  Not so, today she is wearing a barette.
I noticed this morning that Flora's right lower lateral incisor(sorry no photo yet, it's too little) has just popped through her gums(tooth #5!).  We didn't even know she was teething!  
That's all for now!

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