Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's Voting Day!

Today is Voting Day in Wisconsin.  So, I hope you all went out and voted to make your voice heard.  Flora went with me to vote this morning.  All the volunteers were checking her out.  We even met one of Tom's first cousins.  I didn't catch her name, but she is Marcy Enz's daughter.  In Flora news...
Flora received her first potty yesterday.  She has sat on it a couple times without success.  We will start to potty training/EC-ing her now and hopefully she will be potty trained by 18 months(that's how old I was along with most babies before the 1950's).  I think the fact that we're using cloth inserts in her gDiapers will encourage her to not want to feel that wetness.
Flora also wore pig-tails for the first time yesterday!  Tom thinks she will be wearing them from now on because I like them so much!  Not so, today she is wearing a barette.
I noticed this morning that Flora's right lower lateral incisor(sorry no photo yet, it's too little) has just popped through her gums(tooth #5!).  We didn't even know she was teething!  
That's all for now!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day!

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Love,  Flora

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Now Showing...

I have just started a You Tube Channel! So bookmark this page:  http://www.youtube.com/user/EarthMuffin420 and check out some videos of Flora.  So far I have her saying "uh-oh" and her finger painting on it.  There will be more to come.  I will also put older videos on it so you can see how she has grown.  There will also be a link to my channel on this page.  Enjoy!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

On Her Way To the Top

Yes, indeed, Flora is on her way to the top!  She climbed up the stairs 3 times yesterday and 2 times this morning already!  She does pretty well and can climb up them pretty quickly
Sorry it's not the right way. I forgot that videos can't be flipped.
This morning I walked into the dining room to find this:
Flora found the basket of clean laundry Tom brought up this morning and had put on my tank top and was trying to put Tom's "man-ties" on her head.  
She succeeded and scampered off to try to catch the cat.

Lately, Flora has been trying to put things "on".  Mostly she has been trying hats, but today, she branched out!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Finger Painting Fun!

Flora had her first try a finger painting today.  She thought it was pretty neat.  Of course she had to taste it.  She tried each color to make sure they tasted the same.  
In the end, Flora had paint on almost every part of her body, so I just decided the best course of action was to put her in the tub.  
Her feet are pink from a secret, special project we are working on.  I thought they were cute along with her little tush!

There are a lot more photos of the painting fun in the 9-12 month album, along with a really good close-up of her newest tooth.
I just had to add this last picture to melt your heart!  

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Yesterday while Flora and I were at the store, she took her shoes and socks off(of course!), and dropped her sock and said, "ah-ooh".  I said it back to her and gave it back to her and we did this a couple more times, saying "uh-oh" each time!
Her vocabulary currently consists of(spelled the way she says them):  "daggy"(doggy), "ditty"(kitty), "hi", and now "ah-ooh".  Doggy was her first word, then kitty.  For awhile she called the cats "doggy", but now gets them right.  She also knows when to say "hi".  Like when I come get her from a nap she will say "hi" or if I peek at her in the back seat of the car.  It's just sooo darn cute!  I'm trying to get her to say, "hi kitty".  But 2-words sentences are a little ways off.  It doesn't hurt to try, though!
Tooth #4 popped through, finally, last Wednesday.  I had been waiting to write about it until I could get a good picture.  But lately when the camera is anywhere near Flora, she thinks she can have it and will fuss if she doesn't get it.  So having the camera that close to her is a battle resulting in a unhappy baby.  Here is a pretty cute shot of her toothy grin:
Thanks to everyone who came to my birthday party on Saturday!  I know the weather wasn't the best, but I'm grateful everyone arrived safely.  Thanks for the presents as well.  
We all had a great time!  Although Flora did get a little tired at the end.
If you would like to see all the pictures from the party click on the link below.  My friend Pedro took most of the pictures after the gift opening. 
As for my actual birthday, we had a nice home-cooked meal and Tom bought me a dozen red roses at Flora's request.