Thursday, September 20, 2007

6 month Check-up

Today Flora had her 6 month check-up at the doctor. She weighs 17 pounds 3 ounces(73rd percentile) and is 27.8 inches(98th percentile). The doctor said she looks healthy so we are doing everything right.
The doctor also said Flora can start eating finger foods and drinking from a cup.
She is continuing to sit like she's done it all her life. We are starting to work on crawling, but it may take a little while.
Flora's tooth is coming in nicely and I think the one next to it is on the way!
Flora has kicked her pacifier habit. She did it cold turkey and is doing as well as can be expected. She just needs a little back rubbing at sleepy time and she falls asleep. She has also been sleeping better through the night without her pacifier, because she knows how to put herself back to sleep.
On Tuesday, Flora started to hold her bottle with a little hand placement from Mama, she does pretty well. At least until she gets to the end. Then she needs some help tipping it up high enough to get the last few ounces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my God, she is soooooo cute.
I will have to put her in the paper some more and share that
wonderful smile of hers. She just brightens up everything.
Thanks Muffin mama,
love G.S.