Friday, September 7, 2007

Getting So Big!

Flora is getting to be such a big girl. She sat up today for 25 minutes! She is also working hard to perfect her pinchers grasp. As always she is very curious and grabby. She will grab hold of anything she can put her hands on. Guess where it goes? In her mouth of course!

Flora has been working on her "shy" bit. Someone will talk to her and she will turn her head into the shoulder of the person holding her and glance at the other person out of the corner of her eyes. She even does this to Tom sometimes. It sure is adorable!!

She is babbling more. She loves to gurgle, grunt, cough, and hum for fun!
Eating solid food is going really well. She is eating apples, pears, nectarines, watermelon, bananas, green beans, carrots, acorn and butternut squash, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and rice cereal. She loves them all.

Flora isn't crawling yet, but she will roll where ever she wants to go. The other day I set her down and she rolled over to the speaker and put her feet up on it. I guess she wanted to feel the music.
Tom thinks she may just skip crawling and go straight to walking. Boy would we be in trouble then! Time to baby-proof!
P.S. Even though we haven't been posting very often, I have been putting pictures in her online album, 3-6 months, on a more regular basis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is she ever advancing. Hard to believe she'll be 6mo soon. Such cute pictures. Thanks for posting them.
Love, G.S.