Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Welcome Willow Moxie

I know it's been FOREVER since I wrote a blog post.  Guess I have a lot going on...
What been keeping me busy for the most part(besides the fact that it's summer) is the newest edition to our family- Willow!
Willow joined us on our 6th anniversary, May 14th, at 1:42 a.m.  She weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 22 inches long.  Willow is a now about two and a half months is 12 pounds 10 ounces and 25 inches.
Willow is a great baby(just like Flora and Leo were).  She's very easy-going and only really cries if she's tired, hungry, or has to burp. :)  She is quite smiley and "talks" a lot if she has a something to say and someone to talk to. She even talks to her toys, which she has been starting to swat at and grasp.
She sleeps pretty well at night, getting up once around 2 or 3, for a bottle, and then again 3-4 hours after that.  She always goes right back to sleep, which is great!
Willow is eating 6 ounces every 4 hours or so.  She eats about 30 ounces a day. She spits up a little, but not as much as Flora did.  
Flora and Leo have adjusted well to adding a little sister.  Flora is very helpful. She will talk to her, shush her, put in her pacifier, rock her in her car seat, wipe her mouth, and get me things for her.  She asks to hold her and feed her occasionally, but it gets hard for her.
Leo sometimes does the things Flora does, but is just starting to catch on. :)
They are all growing SO FAST!!!  It makes me wish I could just hit the pause button and keep them this way for a while.  :)

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