Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Leo!

So I'm a little late on this post, but here goes.
Leo turned two on Friday, January 7th, 2011.  For his special day we went to Mom and Pop Place and he got to pick out two toys, stampers and little cars(his favorite!).  Later that day, Grandma Mae and Grandpa Lala came over for supper and cake.
The next day we had a small party for Leo with my family, Uncle Bill, and Val and Fischer.  We had pizza and I made him two car-shaped cakes.  He had lots of fun opening presents.  Thanks to everyone who came and gave Leo a gift. :)
Tuesday the 11th, Leo had his annual check-up.  He weighs 28.7 pounds(50%) and is 37 inches(96%).  Doc said he is healthy, but we already knew that!
Leo is starting to get much more independent.  He also likes/wants to do things that Flora does, often saying, "me too!"
His independence has also caused him to become quite contrary.  He says "no" to just about everything, even if he really does want it.  For a while his favorite saying was, "no way, dude!"  Luckily that was pretty short lived, especially since he learned pretty quick that Mama won't give him anything if he says "no" to everything.
Leo has really been talking a lot in the last few months.  His speech has really improved and he says new words every day.  He says three word sentences, too.  Sometimes we can't always tell what he's saying, but often Flora can act as an interpreter and tells us what he's saying. :)
We are slowly working on potty training Leo.  He will try out the potty once or twice a day, but I don't really think he is ready.  Sure it would be nice to not have to buy/change two sets of diapers everyday when Baby comes, but pushing him to potty train when he's not ready and doesn't quite get it puts unnecessary pressure on him and makes more work for me.  Maybe when baby comes he'll realize that diapers are for babies and want to go potty.  In summer will try a little harder because it will be easier to let him run around bottom-less and train him like a puppy. :)
Leo loves to play with his cars, color, and watch Dora.  He has fun playing with Flora, even if they don't aways get along, he still loves her very much. He is over all a happy boy!

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