Tuesday, December 14, 2010

On the 8th Day Until Solstice...

We made gingerbread cookies!

Last night we rolled, cut, and baked the cookies.  I think frosting and decorating might have to wait until tomorrow, because tonight our activity is: "buying a gift for a needy family".
Flora's school has a giving tree with ornaments that have an item on them to give to Harbor House.  They offer this instead of each child buying the teachers a gift. I thought that was a good idea.  When I was a daycare teacher, I got a lot of mugs and a lot of "stuff" for the holidays.  Most of which I have not held on to.
So along with finishing up other holiday shopping, we will be buying towels for Harbor House. :)

This last picture was taken today while making Danish Christmas Cookies.  Leo likes to stir, but it's kind of hard for him(he HAS to do it!) and he has his own agenda.  He likes to scoop what he's mixing and put it in other bowls.  He also tends to be messy, saying. "oopie" every time he flipped some out of the bowl.  That's why I normally use the biggest bowl we have when the kids help stir, because Flora does it too. :)

Stay tuned for more "Twelve Days of Solstice fun"!

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