Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Another Tooth

On Sunday, we discovered that Leo's fifth tooth came through!
He has been walking more and more every day, too. :)
Here are Flora and Leo(& Guthrie) enjoying what was left of the light, today.

They really liked sledding! Lots of giggling, until the sled tipped on a turn and Leo got half of his face washed. He cried, but got over it fast and went back in the sled for more fun!

Here us Flora making her first snow angel.

I took Flora to the doctor on Monday, because of a rash. Turns out she had hives. But not from anything she ate or had on her skin. It's from the cold! It gies away when she warms up. But the doc gave her some medicine that seemed to help until this morning when she got hives 30 minutes after she took it. At least it's not a food allergy and she'll probably out grow it. Or maybe it'll just go away when it warms up- in July! :)

Location:W 6th St,Appleton,United States

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