Tuesday, October 27, 2009

End of October Update

Now that Leo is over his double ear infection, he took a little time to pop out his second tooth!  (You can kind of see it on the pic on the right. He has yellow finger paint on his face.)  It broke through on last Tuesday.  We are waiting for one of his top teeth to break through any day now, too.  It's very swollen and has a white spot on the corner.
Leo has learned some cute tricks lately.  He has been nodding and shaking his head.  For the most part he does it with our prompting and will do it on his own if we try to feed him from a spoon or if there is music on.  Which leads me to the next trick, dancing!  Well it's more like bouncing, but it sure is cute!!! :)
Leo has started to say a few words.  He's been saying "uh-oh" and it actually sounds more like that.  The other words he says are: "ditty" for kitty and "da-da" for Papa.
He has been, mostly, sleeping through the night.  He often will get up between 5:30 and 6:00 if he does, though.  It's hard enough to get up at that time, but once the time changes this weekend, it'll be even earlier(kind of!).  At least he's sleeping through the night!  I guess we'll all adapt...
Flora is looking forward to trick-or-treating in our neighborhood.  She is practicing her "meow, meow trick-or-treat" for her kitty costume.  Leo will be a lion, and oblivious to what is going on.
I don't think we'll be making the rounds to family on Saturday.  It's just a lot of running around and it's not fair to Leo to push him past his naps times and have him sleeping in the car.  Sorry, guess you'll just have to wait for pictures or come here and go trick-or-treating with us! ;-)  We would gladly share our candy with you.  Flora begs me all day for candy.
Flora has really been into movies lately.  We have to limit her movie watching to one a day.  She is very persistent, though.  Here she is watching "The Wizard of Oz" with "the scarecrow" we made and "the witch".

It sure is a beautiful, sunny day out there.  I hope you had some time to go out and enjoy it.  We were out for a walk this morning appreciating how the sunshine was highlighting the gorgeous, colorful leaves.  Makes me sad, though, to know that they will all be gone soon and then the "endless" winter will be upon us! :-P
I did put more pictures in the Autumn 2009 album.  I plan on getting some new videos on soon, too.  It just takes a long time to upload them.
Have a great day!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Feeling Better!

Leo is feeling much better! He's been eating more and he slept straight through the last three nights! I hope it continues!!! I could get used to having a full night's sleep! =D

I went to get him out of bed from a nap and this is what I found! I don't know how he did it, he's never done it before. I'm sure I'll walk in there some day to find him completely naked! I'm pretty sure he couldn't get a onesie off, though!
By the way,no new teeth, yet!
Not much is new with Flora. Except I realized the other day that she is completely potty trained! She was about a month ago.
She is looking forward to Halloween and will probably insist on being Dorothy, again. She is spending this weekend with Auntie Robyn. They are going to Point Beach State Forest for their Halloween "party" and trick-or-treating. It should be fun!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Leo's Check Up

Leo's cold turned into a double ear infection. That is news to us, since he never rubs his ears and he is always so cheerful. He has medicine now. Hopefully he feels better soon.

Leo measured out at 30" and weight in at 22lb 10oz.
Still a big boy, but he is off his record pace.

Overall he had a good check up.

Later all.

The Birthday Boy

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I forgot to put the picture on the post!

You can see his tooth really well, here!

Leo is 9 months!

Leo turned 9 months yesterday.  His tooth is quite visible now and I think the other one it on the way.  Tomorrow we have his 9 month check-up.  So we'll see how much he's grown in the last 3 months!
He has also been battling a tough cold, so we'll see what the doc has to say about that, too.  I'll post the results tomorrow.
He learned to say "Oh-oh", he says it more like "ah-ah".  I have a video of him saying it, I'll put it on soon!  We're trying to get him to wave, but he is just amused by us waving at him.
I know I haven't put any pictures on in a while.  Well, that's about to change!  I put a new "Autmn 2009 Slideshow" on the right.  Enjoy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

First and Last...

This is the first and last time you'll see Flora and Leo in these Packer outfits, so enjoy it while it lasts! Flora's is too short and Leo's is kind of snug.
But they still look cute, even if I don't really care about football and Tom is NEVER gonna let me live it down that I put HIS kids in PACKER gear. I hope they win tonight!


Does anyone want to come to our house and babysit from noon-ish on Wednesday, Oct 21st til noon-ish the next day? We're going to a concert in Madison that night.
Just thought I'd ask!