Thursday, February 26, 2009

All Kinds of Cutting

Flora learned how to cut today(no, she didn't discover it by her self! It was a parent guided activity). She was quite excited about it. I started off by making it very clear that she could only cut paper. I put her fingers in the scissors and she went to town! It occupied her for at least 20 minutes.

Later, while she was eating lunch, I decided to give her a hair cut. She sat pretty good. I only had to remind her a couple times to look at certain things so her head would be straight. She's got a cute little bob(no bangs, by the way :-P), just to straighten off the bottom. In all, I cut off about an inch and a half and put in her baby book.  You can check out more pictures of Flora's hair cut on the Winter web album.

Leo is doing well, too. I measured him the other day. He was about 24.5".
Flora(for 2 yr check) and Leo(for 2 month check) both have doctors appointments on March 9th, so I'll update more then!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Growing Every Day!

Leo is growing so fast.  I think even his eyebrows and eyelashes get a little longer and more filled in every day!
I weighed him today.  He is about 12 pounds, 13 ounces!  Flora didn't weigh that until she was about 10 or 11 weeks old.  
Speaking of Flora... Her last eye tooth finally popped through last week(or was it 2 weeks ago?)!  She is pretty good about teething, I guess.  Or else what ever bad behavior she has, we attribute to "terrible two's".
Here's another picture of Flora making oatmeal cookies(there are pictures of the finished heart cookies on the web album "Winter 2008-09").

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to all our loved ones!

Tom, Kristy, Flora, and Leo

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Heart Day, Early!

Flora and I made Valentine's cut-out cookies today.  As you could image, it was quite messy.  I always say, "you know a kid had fun if they are all dirty".  
Flora did have fun and she was full of flour(and the table, and the chair, and the floor...).  Good thing for the apron !

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy One Month Birthday, Leo!

Leo celebrated his one month birthday with a little potluck with our friends and their kids. We had a nice turn out with good company and food.
So, can you guess what this is?

No, it's not 1 pound 13 ounces...

It's Leo's weight, 11 pounds 11 ounces(take off 2 ounces for the pad in there)!

I also measured him(twice), he's 23.75 inches. He sure is getting big!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Smile???

Leo has been smiling once or twice a day for the last couple of days. I was finally able to get a picture yesterday. Hopefully it's not just "gas"!

Leo made the move out of our bed into his crib on Saturday night. He has been doing really well sleeping by himself. He does great going back to sleep at night any way. I just lay him down on his side, with his pacifier and he goes right to sleep!
That's all for now!