Thursday, September 25, 2008


Some of you may have noticed some changes to the blog.  If not, here's what's been added/changed:
-A "Fall 2008" slideshow has replace the "Summer 2008" slideshow.
-A "Followers" section that you can sign up for so we can all see who is following the blog. 
-A "Wish List" section that contains links to all of our wish lists on Amazon, in case you need any X-mas ideas.
-A ticker at the bottom to countdown the days until baby's due date arrives.
That's all for now.  Happy reading!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Week...

Last week was "Baby Week" for us!  It all started when Flora and I started baby sitting our friend, Jill's, son, Finn on Mondays and Wednesdays.  
Then on Wednesday our friends, Jenny and Chad, had a little baby boy.  They named him Ike David(they had the name picked out well before the hurricane came along).  So we went to visit them on Thursday.  
On Friday Tom took the day off so we could all go visit our friend, Liz, and her three-week old little girl, Mackenzie Jane.
Saleema went to visit a mosque here in Appleton on Saturday evening.  While she was there, she met one of many Pakistani families who invited us to their home on Sunday evening for dinner.  

Since they live in Manitowoc, we decided to go visit some of our family.  First we went to see Uncle David and Cousin J.J.  I made him a little pumpkin hat on our drive there and put some straps on it while J.J. and Flora played.  Next we had a nice, but short visit with Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Denny before we had to take off for Manitowoc to be on time for dinner.
Our dinner was quite good and the company was very interesting.  We learned a lot about the different customs of the Islamic religion.   There were several other Pakistani families there, along with some more babies for Flora to check out.
That was the end of "Baby Week"!  So many babies, good thing one of them wasn't our new little one.  We can wait until after Christmas for him or her!

Flora had her 18 month check up.  She weighs 23 pounds(30th percentile) and is 33 1/2 inches tall(93rd percentile).  The doctor gave her the once over and had no qualms, but did say inside her ears looked perfect!  She also told me to expect the "Terrible Two's" to start before she's two.  I told her they already were starting...  :)
Have a great week!  We'll be checking out Oktoberfest here in Appleton on Saturday.

Friday, September 12, 2008

An Address of Her Own...

I now have my own e-mail address!
It is .  Mama had to start one for me because you need an e-mail address to start a Picasa photo albums page.  She and Papa ran out of space on theirs, so now I have one, too!  I even have my own screen name for posting on the blog.  I bet you can guess what it is...(it's at the bottom)!
Of course Mama and Papa will be managing them, but feel free to e-mail me!  I would love to read them(when I can read) and it would be a nice keepsake for me in the future.
Mama also added a Baby Belly #2 slideshow on the right hand side(under the summer slideshow), so you all can see how she & baby have grown and are growing.  
When the next baby comes along, I will be sharing this blog spot.  It will become more of a family blog versus a Flora blog.  In case you were wondering! :-)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

An Update...

Sorry it's been soooo long.  We've been busy with weddings, picnics, and getting Sally(Saleema) off to school.  But there is an end in sight!  This coming weekend Flora, Sally, and I will be heading off to Bridgeport Resort in Sturgeon Bay to spend some time with my sister, Robyn.  A girls weekend!  Whoo-Hoo!!!  After that our weekends are free!  It will be nice to get to spend some time with other friends and family that we haven't been so involved with during the course of our summer.  And to take some time for ourselves and for neglected things around the house.
Anyway, back to Flora.  She is a growing girl.  She is becoming very independent and throwing fits here and there.  Especially when it comes to going in her car seat or in the cart at the store.  She just wants it her way!  
She has been enjoying reading a lot lately.  She will bring us several books, one right after another, to read to her.  
Flora got her 12th tooth!  It came about a week ago, almost 7 months after the one that matches it.  I was able to get a pretty decent picture of it today(it's the 4th one on the bottom, on the left).  
She was eating Nutella(a chocolate, hazelnut spread) and was "hamming it up" for the camera!
That's about all.  Flora has her 18 month appointment on the 22nd and I will update you with her height and weight and all that good stuff.
As for baby number 2, we're doing fine.  We just passed the end of the second trimester(we'll be 25 weeks on Thursday) and are hanging in there until after x-mas!  I'm a bit more tired than with Flora, but at least I can take it easy if I need to.