Thursday, May 29, 2008

What's New...

We haven't had much to right about lately, but we do now!
We went up north to the Pink Castle this weekend. Flora was a happy little camper. She loves being outside and, lucky for her, she has inherited Tom's non-itchy mosquito bites, so they didn't really bother her.
Flora's 6th tooth finally popped through earlier this week. We could see her gums bulging there for quite some time now, but it finally broke through! It doesn't bother her much. Can you see the little corner of it?

Flora has also taken a liking to coloring. She started her coloring by "helping" me with the grocery list. She would use the pen to "cross off" the things we already got. So I bought her some big crayons and she just loves them. As you can tell.

As for Rainy, in case you were wondering, she is getting along well with Flora and the other "kids". Flora has started to call her by making a "tsk"-type sound(like I do) and calling, "Nainy!" It's pretty cute!

That's all for now!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all those moms and moms-to-be out there! It's great being a mom and watching out little sweetheart grow!
Flora and Tom brought me breakfast in bed with eggs, toast, and fried taters. Flora decided to help herself to my catsup and grabbed a handful. They also got me a new wind chime for the front porch.

We also got something else today... a KITTEN!!! We named her Rainy because she looks like a little fluffy rain cloud. She is about 2 months old. The dogs are very curious and she just hisses at them. Zoey is a little interested in her, but Q.P. wants nothing to do with her. They both have just been hissing at her. They'll all be settled in in a couple weeks.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy May Day!

I know, I know, May Day was 5 days ago.  We were too busy to post that day, because we went to a May Day celebration!  It took place in Oshkosh in Menominee Park.  It was mine and Flora's first May Pole Dance.  And it only rained a little. :)
Flora and I went to visit my friend, Liz, in La Crosse on Friday until Saturday.  We went out for lunch and then went for a hike in Perrot State Park.  Liz made us a delicious supper and breakfast.  Then we were off to go back home.  
Today we ate lunch outside and took a long walk, enjoying the gorgeous weather!  We even had the cats outside, on a leash and harness, of course.
Have a great day!!!