Monday, December 24, 2007

It's been a while...

Sorry it's been so long. Flora has been keeping us busy now that she can crawl all over the place and has been pulling herself up on everything. One her favorite things to do is pull things out. So, with the crawling and pulling, she has our constant attention. Here is a recap of the holidays. Flora celebrated her first Winter Solstice on Dec 21st. We had a"lights out night", snacked on hors d'oeuvres, and exchanged gifts with each other. She liked ripping the paper once she figured it out. She got a drum, two hooded sweatshirts, a sock monkey that Mama made, little cars, a monkey hooded towel.
For Christmas Eve, we went to Auntie Robyn's house for supper and presents. On Christmas day we were at the Enz's for breakfast and gift opening. Flora got some clothes and some toys, too. We thank everyone for the great presents!
At Flora's 9 month check-up(on 12/17) the doctor gave her a clean bill of health! She weighed, 19 pounds, 4 ounces(61st percentile) and was 28.8 inches(89th percentile).

In recent "news", Flora got her first cold on Sunday, and cut her top left central incisor on Monday. She was in a pretty good mood despite it all. Her cold only lasted about three days(I had the same cold at the end of last week). She just slept very poorly at night and took short naps. But yesterday she took long naps and slept through the night without making a peep!
Flora is eating a lot of finger foods lately. She has been eating tomatoes, avocados, beans, fruit, even grapefruit, quesadillas, pasta, hard boiled eggs, cooked broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and potatoes. She likes almost everything!
She is also transitioning to a sippy cup. She does pretty well with it, but prefers a bottle. I usually don't give her a bottle until bed time, though.
Tom and I have been helping Flora walk around the house. She absolutely loves it! She gets all silly and laughs and screams. Of course none of this silliness is conducive to walking well. She is very wobbly because of her excitement. That's all right, she has plenty of time.
Flora is getting to be such a big girl, it's amazing how fast time goes! Thank you all for checking out Flora's blog and have a great new year!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that means I can start giving her fish in the guts pretty soon
and don't forget raw beef sandwiches. Yum, yum.
She is growing, almost a year old.
Love, GS