Saturday, September 29, 2007

Guess What...

Flora's second tooth popped through this morning! She is still in good spirits about the whole teething thing, which is great for all of us! We can't wait until they are totally in. It'll be so adorable!
We had a nice time yesterday visiting with family. Thanks for everything!!
Today we will be going to Octoberfest to see some bands. Flora already got a taste of real Octoberfest music on Thursday. We rode the trolley downtown to see the polka band Dorf Kapelle. They were really good. Not like an oompa polka band, but more like folk polka music. It was fun, though!
Tomorrow we will be going up north to see the fall colors and take some cute photos of Flora in the leaves. So stay tuned for more pictures.

Holding Mama's coffee in the grocery cart. What a good little helper!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

6 month Check-up

Today Flora had her 6 month check-up at the doctor. She weighs 17 pounds 3 ounces(73rd percentile) and is 27.8 inches(98th percentile). The doctor said she looks healthy so we are doing everything right.
The doctor also said Flora can start eating finger foods and drinking from a cup.
She is continuing to sit like she's done it all her life. We are starting to work on crawling, but it may take a little while.
Flora's tooth is coming in nicely and I think the one next to it is on the way!
Flora has kicked her pacifier habit. She did it cold turkey and is doing as well as can be expected. She just needs a little back rubbing at sleepy time and she falls asleep. She has also been sleeping better through the night without her pacifier, because she knows how to put herself back to sleep.
On Tuesday, Flora started to hold her bottle with a little hand placement from Mama, she does pretty well. At least until she gets to the end. Then she needs some help tipping it up high enough to get the last few ounces.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

All I Want for My Half Birthday is My...

This weekend, Flora's "Auntie" Liz got married in LaCrosse and Mama was in the wedding party. This was Flora's first time there and her longest trip in the car.
The wedding went beautifully. Flora slept through the ceremony and was in good spirits at the reception.

While Mama was getting her hair done, Papa and Flora went shopping and got Flora a half year birthday gift(even though it's not until Monday). She got the book "Millie Moo" . It is a sensory book about a silly cow.
Flora also got another "present". Her first tooth broke through! It's the one on the bottom left. We think it happened today sometime, it was discovered this afternoon. Mama tried to get a picture. You can kind of see it. It is the tiny white spot on the right side. Mama and Papa can't wait until it is fully grown in. It will make her smile even cuter!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Getting So Big!

Flora is getting to be such a big girl. She sat up today for 25 minutes! She is also working hard to perfect her pinchers grasp. As always she is very curious and grabby. She will grab hold of anything she can put her hands on. Guess where it goes? In her mouth of course!

Flora has been working on her "shy" bit. Someone will talk to her and she will turn her head into the shoulder of the person holding her and glance at the other person out of the corner of her eyes. She even does this to Tom sometimes. It sure is adorable!!

She is babbling more. She loves to gurgle, grunt, cough, and hum for fun!
Eating solid food is going really well. She is eating apples, pears, nectarines, watermelon, bananas, green beans, carrots, acorn and butternut squash, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and rice cereal. She loves them all.

Flora isn't crawling yet, but she will roll where ever she wants to go. The other day I set her down and she rolled over to the speaker and put her feet up on it. I guess she wanted to feel the music.
Tom thinks she may just skip crawling and go straight to walking. Boy would we be in trouble then! Time to baby-proof!
P.S. Even though we haven't been posting very often, I have been putting pictures in her online album, 3-6 months, on a more regular basis.