Sunday, July 22, 2007

4 Month Update

Sorry it's been awhile since I last posted anything, but my server wouldn't open the page that allows me to post. And as is usual for us, the summer has been a busy one!
Flora is now 4 months old. At her check up on Thursday, July 19th, she weighed 14lbs., 12oz's and was 25 inches long.
She is continuing to be very active. Her tummy time has increased and she can support herself better than ever. The other day she rolled from her back to her tummy several times in a row. Flora also likes to stand on her very strong legs.
She has recently discovered her tongue and mouth. Her hands are always in her mouth. No favorites, yet, any number or combination of fingers and thumbs from both hands! Everything she can get goes in her mouth. She even lunges at things with her mouth wide open to get a taste of something, including the dog! She does this on our cheeks, too, but we think she is trying to kiss us:)
Flora has also been sticking out her tongue and wiggling it around and spitting(she drools a lot!).
One of my favorite things she does is when she puffs her cheeks and then blows the air out of her pursed lips. It is too cute!
Flora still loves to be outside, looking at the sky and all that nature has to offer. We have been camping a lot this last month which doesn't seem to disrupt her schedule too much.
As for her demeanor, she is very social and will smile at anyone who smiles or talks to her. She is still pretty easy-going, but does get frustrated when she can't do something. Sometimes she likes to be silly. She is also very curious and likes to be in on the action. I think this and her little bit of feistiness will keep us on her toes when she starts to crawl and walk!
Flora's next doctor's appointment will be for her 6 month check-up, so I'll write another detailed update then.

Her first taste of peas from our garden. I think she actually like them! At least she didn't mind them. We will be waiting a little while before we give her baby food on a consistent basis. I have been growing some things in the garden and buying some veggies at the farmer's market and have started to make baby food and freeze it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And she is cute! She is one of the most alert, silliest little babies I have ever seen. Lot's of fun ahead for the all.
Love g.S.