Saturday, May 19, 2007

Keeping it up-to-date...

For my first Mother's Day, Flora gave me a pretty silver heart-shaped locket with "Mom" on the front "From Flora 5-13-07" engraved on the back. I put the picture above in it.
Flora is doing very well. We see her smiling a lot, even when she's not looking at anyone or anything in particular.
She is also discovering her hands. She sucks on them and some times manages to swat her toys.
Her legs are more active as well. They are always going and they are strong.
I have my fingers crossed that her blocked tear duct has opened up. Her eye has been normal, with no tearing, for the past two days.
We have been spending as much time as we can outside. Our little family goes for long walks after supper. On Thursday we walked to our friends, Brad and Nicole's house, and had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows with their son, Zach.
Flora also "helps" me with yard work. Just yesterday she helped me mow the lawn(I wear her in the Snugli and our mower is electric, so it's as loud as a vacuum). She really enjoys being outside.
We are all looking forward to going up to the Pink Castle next weekend. Tom has Friday off, so we will go up on Thursday night. If you are interested in coming up, just get a hold of me or Tom. Otherwise, hope you all have a nice relaxing weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a little charmer. And so happy. We just had to laugh at some of those cute pics. Now I don't know which one is my favorite?? All of them.
Happy 2 months old Flora, (I adoreher).
Grandpa D and Grandma S