Thursday, September 24, 2009

Almost Forgot...

We discovered the other day that Flora's "two-year" molars are coming in on the bottom. One is half-way through and the one on the other side is about a quarter of the way through.

I think she is having a hard time getting used eating with them. She bit her tongue yesterday and twice within the last ten minutes during lunch today(notice the tear on her cheek?).
And, yes, she is wearing her "Dorothy" dress. I asked if she wanted to wear it to see if it still fits. She is obsessed with "The Wizard of Oz" right now and would watch it all day if we let her. We now have the sound track, too. It's so cute to hear her sing the songs! :)
We are currently eating with the birds. I put the bird feeder in the side yard so we can see it while we are eating breakfast and lunch. We saw 11 sparrows, 2 morning doves, and 2 woodpeckers(a male and a female), and one squirrel! Cool!!!
Right now Flora is pretending her celery sticks are me and her and we are picking up apples. Oh, wait, now they're her and Dorothy and they're picking up apples, too. That's some imagination she's got! Guess that means she's done eating, though.

"Cheese, celery!", Flora says.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Got it!

I got a picture of Leo's tooth yesterday.

Can you see it?  It's just tiny right now.
More interesting developments:
Leo made it up the stairs Sunday night.  Tom was following him and Flora was at the top "encouraging" him.  I was recording it.  It is a very dark video, but I will probably put it on anyway, because it's kind of funny to watch Flora.
Leo's fine motor skills are improving.  He is pretty proficient at getting small pieces of food into his mouth.  Which he has been really good at eating lately.  He seems to really enjoy eating whatever we are eating and not eating baby food.
Flora has been doing great with staying dry!  She has never had an accident during her nap time and has only has one, so far, at night.  That is very impressive!!!  I'm sure she'll keep it up!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here's the commercial we're in, in case you haven't seen it. Hope it works! If not, you can click on it in the video section on the right.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Leo finally popped his first tooth today!!!! It's his bottom, center, left tooth. I felt it twice now, but most likely will not be able to get a camera in there for a picture, because we can rarely get a finger in! Maybe when the tooth grows a little more. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Way to Go, Flora!!!

Last night was Flora's first time without a diaper and she stayed dry!!!! I asked her if she wanted a diaper on and she said she want to sleep without one. So we gave it a shot and she did great! We'll keep it up and see how it goes!
She hasn't really been using up any diapers lately, because we reuse the dry ones, but it'll be nice to only have one child in diapers. :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Picnic...

Yesterday we went to Two Rivers for a picnic with my family. We played a little, chatted a little, and ate a little. A good time was had by all(thanks, Mom!)!

The bottom picture is of the kids with two of their cousins, J.J. and Sean(he's the oldest one).

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Little of This, a Little of That

Flora has gone all week without a diaper at nap time- and has stayed dry! Hooray for Flora!!! She has also woke up the last two mornings with a dry diaper. Looks like we are on the way to Flora being diaper-free!
Here's a picture of Leo trying to feed himself.

Not that he got any in his mouth. Especially since his spoon is backwards!
Have a great Labor Day weekend!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just Plain Cute!

Here are some pictures that are just adorable! Enjoy!!!

Taking a ride in the stroller with her "blue baby".

Flora had to use my chop sticks.

Bath time!

Passed out after a morning play date at the park.

Flora is exploring a tiny stream at High Cliff State park. Tuesday is "Hiking Day" at our house. :)

Leo Stands

Sunday morning I went to get Leo out of his room and what do I see? Him standing up!

We knew it wouldn't be long before he started doing it. He did it the next morning, too, and has been pulling himself up on everything and quite easily!

He hasn't been trying to take steps, yet, but I'm sure he'll be doing a lot of "crusing" once he is confident with his standing.