Friday, November 23, 2007

X-mas Wish List Update

We hope everyone made it through Thanksgiving alright. We had two family dinners and are stuffed to the gills with turkey and all the fixin's! Flora had her first Thanksgiving meal, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, a roll, cranberries(ninja fruit!), and of course, pumpkin pie!
We also hope no one got hurt if you went out for "Black Friday" sales today. Flora's Grandma Mae went out this morning and got Flora the following items from her x-mas list: a Glo-worm, a wagon, and a sled. She also got a doll from Auntie Robyn.
Good luck with your holiday shopping! We haven't even started ours. We better get shopping!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Almost 8 months- update...

Flora is officially crawling!  She can do the traditional crawling, but mostly she pulls the bottom half of her body forward with her arms.  
But what's more exciting is that she has started to cruise around the furniture!  This morning she made some laps around the coffee table and also was going from the table to the couch and back!
She has gotten very good at standing and can stand for quite a while.  I think she stood for a good 30-45 minutes this morning.  She sure is a go getter!!!
Another update for all who wonder, I weighed Flora last Friday and she was 18lbs, 4ozs.  Her height is 28 3/4 inches.  Sorry, I don't know the percentages.
Flora has really been enjoying finger foods.  She has gotten her pincher grasp working pretty accurately, and enjoys almost anything we give her, usually bread-type things.  This weekend,  she decided she wanted some of my cake and grabbed a handful of frosting!

(Sorry, I don't know who that little girl in the back is.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Flora's New Cousin!

Today Flora and I went to welcome her new cousin into the world.
Joshua J. Lichterman was born this morning at 1:15 a.m. to David(my brother) and Amber Lichterman. Joshua's weight is 6 pounds, 13 ounces and he is 19 1/2 inches. He has darker hair and looks a lot like Amber, at least I think so. At any rate, he's a cutie. He even opened his eyes for us at the end of our visit. We are all so excited to welcome him to our family!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Look Mama...

Flora surprised me this morning by standing in her crib! I could tell she was goofing around, by the sounds coming from the monitor. I thought she was just sitting up. We knew this day was coming soon! Time to lower the mattress all the way.

Sorry, we missed posting Flora in her Halloween costume. Better late than never! She was a flower, what else would she be?! She had a nice time "trick-or-treating" her grandmas' and grandpas' houses the Sunday before Halloween.

Flora is still not crawling. She has had some good attempts, but gets frustrated easily and would rather push back into sitting or stand.