Friday, August 24, 2007

Look, No Hands

Flora, and Momma, have been practicing sitting. Flora is able to stay up, by herself, for a bit, but her curiosity gets her in trouble. When she reaches for things, she tips over.

Have a nice weekend......

Monday, August 20, 2007

Flora is 5 months old!

Wow, I can't believe how fast the last 5 months have gone! It seems like just yesterday that she was born. She was so tiny then. Now she is 16 pounds, 4 ounces and is 25 3/4 inches. Flora is now wearing 3-6 months but will very shortly be in 6-9 months clothing. She is right on track! As for her hair, it is growing slowly, but surely!!
Flora is rolling around a lot and often ends up in a very different position than the one we put her in. We're thinking she may just skip crawling and go right to walking! She hasn't sat up by herself, yet, but can sit pretty well with minimal assistance.
We have introduced her to solid foods and she really likes them. She is starting with veggies and will start fruit and protein a little later. She has eaten peas, green beans, broccoli, spinach, potatoes, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Acorn and butternut squash and beets are in her future. Most of these were homemade from the veggies in our garden and Grandma Mae's and from the farmer's market. I have tried rice cereal with her, but she didn't care for it. We'll have to try again later.

Flora making her "humming face" and eating carrots.
Lately Flora's vocalizations are mostly humming with some screeching, as well. When she hums, she sucks in her bottom lip. It is adorable!
Everything Flora can grab has been going in her mouth. She especially likes crinkly things(like chip bags) and her toes!

Flora is still very social. She loves animals and kids. She will smile at strangers who talk to her at the grocery store, too. Recently she has been a little unsure when someone she hasn't seen in a while holds her. Then she warms up and is her little charming self! Hopefully she's not starting the separation anxiety stage.
We had a lot of visiting this week. Grandpa Joe spent the afternoon with us on Thursday. Grandma Sharon came on Friday and we went to visit Uncle David and Auntie Amber to see their new house. On Sunday Grandpa Ed and Grandma Mae came over for dinner.